Chapter 12

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I ran into his arms. He was standing still and shocked.Tears were flowing from his eyes on my back.He puts his cold arms around me.
"Kota ",I said holding his arms and looking into his exhausted and red of crying eyes.His face made me upset...he really tried to find me.
"I finally find you ",I said hugging him.
"Raven,after I was such a fool you searched for me.....I am sorry ",he said hugging me back.
Suddenly the place where we were charged,we woke up in an infinite space of nowhere.

Suddenly the place where we were charged,we woke up in an infinite space of nowhere

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I broke the hug and looked around with wide eyes.
"Where are we?"I asked.
"I don't know," said Kota amazed.
In front of us was the Tree of Life.The place was full of blue star dust flying into the air,I guess this is the place from where the spirits take it.
I have no clue about what was happening, I didn't know if I had to be scared or happy.Wait,isn't this the Cloud Village that my mother was talking about,the place meant for soul mates.Kota saw me worried and took my hand raising gently my chin and looking fixed into my eyes.It's like for him the situation we are doesn't matter at all .
'Raven,I need to tell you something...",he said through his tears.
"Kota...",I said wondering.
"I love you!....and I am scared...",he said screaming and hesitating.
"Kota I won't leave you ,I will never leave you,I told you are my everything",I said taking off his tears.
"Raven,let's search star dust together,next year....this is my new wish",said Kota for the first time very happy.
We are close to each other ,so close ,we never been like that.Kota approaches his lips to mine and kisses me slowly.This was my first kiss ,for the first time ,I madly felt in love...
All of sudden I realized that Kota's arms started to disappear.
"Kota,you .....",I said with eyes full of pain drops.
""he said with his last senses of breath disappearing along with the wind of the cosmos mist that was flowing into the tense air.
"Kota.!!!"i said trying to hug him one more only,only for a second to feel his lifeless body,but I couldn't.....
I fall on to my knees,this was....I am so confused...
"I thought my spirits advertise you about that!"said a acute voice,it was the Tree of Life ,it spoke for the first time.
"Why did you do that?What is happening?Bring Kota back !"i shouted with my last powers.
"He is nothing now,I can't bring nothing back...Kota doesn't exist.,"said the Tree cruel.
"That's a lie",I said,"you killed him"
"How sad , in the end your love was the inhumane one."he said with a disappointed voice.
"What do you mean?"
"The true love is the one that travels here in this dimension,but we didn't have a visitor here for a very long time ago,actually we never met a love between human and spirit.....even more a Wondering Spirit.
So my mother legend was true,I knew that...but now when I feel how much he loved me I feel more pain that anytime.
"This love was too strong to keep him alive,his body wasn't built to allow that...that's the cruel truth.",said the Tree with a funeral voice.
I stood up from the ground.
" Why didn't you say anything all this time,no one told me that I could kill him."
"It wasn't your fault he knew that,but he didn't tell you,I guess he wasn't very sure about his feelings.That's sad ,you know,a human love could keep him alive,but in this forest the inhumane love is very rare but very strong,this is the magic of this story,legend......forest.The forest has its own heart,it knows how to control your life and when to help a person,it has its own conscience',he said disappearing.
I woke up at the festival.
After that I tried to find that tree I guess the entire night but it was without hope it's like the whole forest every place was different now. Now ,the Tree's words had clue...but for me ,from now on the forest was a place without colors ,without feelings ,only pain.

Back in present.....
Live along the stars and dream this is the only way I can be again with him.....but I will never forget our place,our life promise,I swear on my life,one day I will find you....until then our promised place, the forest will always wonder in my heart among the sweet but painful memories of you...

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