Chapter 7

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I entered the chalet and I saw my parents in the kitchen. A strong tension was feeling up the air.
I tried to avoid them and go in my room without saying anything until my mother stopped me.
"Where did you go,we were worried about you?"said my mother on an angry tone.
"I was at the temple",I said preparing to leave.
"Don't turn us your beck",screamed my mother and stood up from the chair.
"Tell me what did you do?"she said furious.
" Why you want to know,you won't trust me anyway,"I said on a cold tone putting my look in the ground.
"Raven.....,"said my mother until I interrupted her.
"But it's okay right,you think I have no feelings,i'm already sick of being treated like a burden....I was always listening you since my grandmother died,I endured all the unfair punishments and scolds that you gave me and I didn't complain at all....I thought that this was parental love about,until today when someone finally opened my eyes,I realized that I made myself false hops,you won't accept me like you did to my sister,right,mother?!!?
"Don't say that....probably we made a lot of mistakes in the past...but it doesn't mean that you were a burden.",said my father.
"Then why did you leave me?"i asked with a tear flowing down my face.
"When will you tell her?"asked my father on a sad tone my mother.
" You....,"said my mother hesitating," You aren't our child",she said looking compassionately at me.
All this time I lived a lie.....
"Your grandmother found you in the forest one night when she was going to the temple,she found you there on the temple's stairs crying. She brought you home ,me and your father were not so excited about the idea of keeping a child that we even didn't know if it was left or probably someone was searching for you. We were just married so we decided to move to another house and let you there with my mother."
"When she died I realized that I made a mistake ,but that time me and your father were stucked in a hard situation I wasn't feeling capable to take care of you."said my mother.
"You lied me all this time......"i said didn't know in who should I have trust anymore.
"We did that for your own shake",screamed my mother.
"A lie never brings happiness even if it is with good intentions."I said"But I can't understand why my grandmother didn't tell me that...." ,I said while I was interrupted.
"We told her to raise you as a normal child",said my mother .
"I can't understand you two anymore, what bad thing did I made to deserve this,"i said crying." And you took my grandmother too in your lies!!!"I screamed rushing up the stairs into my room and set on my bed squeezing my knees at my chest.
I don't get it anymore.....I am actually now break down at all I can't trust no one ....but still there is a person that didn't deceived me ,a person that is different from others....I am wondering where is Kota now? It was 9 : 23 pm, milons of torments were crossing through my brain,I was still in shock and I couldn't believe that, that was real.

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