Chapter 6

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After I discovered that my sister party so hard that she forget that she is alive, or she was until I caught her😄....anyway my number of clothes decrease very much now, I still don't get it, what she did with them. When I was about to catch her she blocked herself into the bathroom, the funny part was that she couldn't open the door stomach hurts from how much I laughed. She deserved that.(:

My mother was in her room, she didn't leave it from the moment I saw her last time when we were talking about the past. I don't know if I will go to her....I let her think she is the only one who can figure out the answer of her problems.

Now I want to see Kota ,he disappeared again without letting me know anything.

I was at the point to leave when I heard my father:

"Where are you going? "he asked curiously.

"For a walk in the forest and to stay a little a the temple. "I said.

"At this hour?"asked my father more sarcastic then worried.
I look at the clock on the wall.It was 5:35pm..
"It isn't late,plus ,it is still light outside!"i said revolted.
"Do you go to see your boyfriend?"he asked on a sarcastic tone.
"What,no!"i said nervous.
"Raven has a boyfriend!"screamed Hina.
"Shut up ,I don't!"i responded angry.
When my mother heard Hina screaming that, she came out her room.
"What boyfriend?"she asked.
"I don't have a boyfriend, my father was teasing me again",I said bothered.
"I asked her if she goes out to see her boyfriend and she said no,that means that she has a boyfriend but she isn't going now to see him",said my father still on a sarcastic voice.
"Is that true?"asked my mother.
"No,they lie!!i said nervous.
"Yeah,sure...,"laughs my sister.
"It is enough",said my mother serios.
"Why are you going now?"she asked.
"That isn't your problem",I said preparing to leave.
"Raven!Talk!"shouted my mother.
I looked at her angry and sad.
" Why don't you ever trust me?"i said and ran out of the chalet letting them shocked.
I hate that ,why everything is going wrong my clothes are a disaster because of my sister,my parents think that I am a burden,I don't understand my past,Kota is probably mad on me and now the weather seems to disadvantage me.I stopped in the forest and looked at the cloudy sky,a couple of drops felt on my skin and bland along with the tears on my face flowing down to my face. The wind was blowing strongly and it was raining faster.I run to the temple and up to each stair.I triped on an old broke stair and felt down.It seems that I twisted my ankle,I tried to get up but I fall again on the stair.I squeeze my knees to my chest and start to cry...I don't know what to do anymore,I am alone,it is raining,I can't walk and I am cold....Probably I deserve that, I ran to much from my problems,but what can I do I am weak ...
Suddenly a I heard a worried voice calling my name.
"Raven,are you okay?What happened to you?asked Kota with a cold voice this time.
I rise my face and he saw that I was crying. He set down on a knee and touched my chin rising my face so that I can look into his deeply black eyes that were hiding a worried look.Kota is here , he came for me....He stood up and said :
"Let's go under the temple stone roof,it rains hard,"he said on a calm tone.
"I can't ,I twisted my ankle",I said careless through my tears that I was trying to hide from him.
He stands me up, take me on his arms and go up the stairs in the temple.I feel something in my heart that I never felt before.My pulse is raising higher and I can't control my thoughts.What is this feeling that makes me shiver.He puts me down and sits near me watching the rain.Kota throw a small glare at me then puts quickly his look down.He sits his hand in his pocket and takes off a black handkerchief.Kota approaches me and binds it around my bloody knee.I didn't observe that I was bleeding.I blush and turn my face in other direction.That is odd ,I feel like I can't speak anymore.Kota asked me slowly:
"What leg hurts you?"
I showed him the right leg behind him.He puts my leg on his knee and pulls out my shoe.
I blush even more and ask him stuttering:
"What are you doing?"
"You need to arrive home somehow you know,I can't come with you",he said calmly.
Kota started to massage my ankle with his cold hands.It hurts a little but I try to pretend that it don't.
"Does that hurt you?"he asked.
"A little ",i said surprised.
"What happened to you?"he asked.
"Since when you care about me?"i replied coldly.
"You don't have to tell me, doesn't matter anymore,forget I asked you," he said careless but with a pain in his voice.
His voice touched my heart,I am sorry I was such a foolish person ,I feel streams of tears that were flowing down my chicks.
He stopped massaging my ankle and looked with wide open eyes at me.I involuntary took my leg from his hands and hugged him tight. He started to caress my beck with compassion.
"I am so...."i said until he interrupted me.
"It is okay",he said.
I told him what happened, the whole thing with my past and my parents and the discussion that I had today with my mother about me .Even the small things about my sister that made him smile.
"You know you are the first person that I can talk open,actually the only person that I really talk with",I said smiling it seems that the discussion with him was like a medicine for my sadness.
He laughed.It still was raining outside.
"You should talk with your mother,you must face the problems once,otherwise they will follow you and kill you inside",he said like he could understand my pain.
"Kota"....,I stopped for asking him about his past and what he is,I don't want to bother him again.
"What?"he said.
I changed quickly my mind:
"What is the reason of this temple?"
"Hmmm..",mumbled suspicious like he knew I changed the subject.
"I guess your grandmother told you already,it is to banish evil spirits in hell,and a house for straying spirits without a stabile place in this world,without any use...."he said looking down.
"Did my grandmother see you?"i asked .
He denied answering,but talked in the end.
"Yes,she could,but she could see only me not the other spirits,you are the only one the saw them."he said.
I was shocked.
"But you made me see them,you touched my forehead!"i said.
He laughs.
"I did only to make you to trust that you can see them,I am not a magician,you needed just an impulse."he said laughing.
"Hey,you played with my mind all this time",I said angry .
"You let me,Raven" ,she smiles making me blush.He puts his training shirt on my beck remaining only in his t-shirt.
"Your grandmother was an amazing person she loved you ,she showed me you,she new that you are a special person ,even more powerful then her."he said smiling.
This makes me happy but still...😓
"Kota....what was your relation with my grandmother?"i said embarrassed.
" Why do you ask that,are you jealous?"said him teasing me.
"No,I am just curious.",I said.
"I didn't talk very much with her I was occupied looking at y...",he stopped and blushed looking away.
"With what?"I asked.
"I will tell you when I will find out what was I going to say because I forget",he said nervous.
" Kota ,but what are the differences between you and the other spirits,I mean why my grandmother couldn't see them?"
I asked.
Kota stood up pretending he didn't hear and gives me his hand,so I cold stand up too.
"Because I am not a spirit, I told you already I am neither human and spirit.My energy is lower and more simply detectable then a spirit.",he said a little annoyed so I didn't continue....
"The rain seems to stop",I said.He looked down sad.
"You should leave,your parents are probably worried."
I knew that, but still I felt like a part of me would dissaper if I leave him.
"Would you like to come with me....I mean on my way home?"i asked stuttering.
"Sure",he said on a slow tone.
We go down the wet stairs.The air was cold,but inside I was burning.
"So....where do you live?'',I asked him.
"Everywhere",he responded short.
"You don't sleep?"i asked him.
"No, but I could pretend I can,that won't make me normal ,right?he said irritated
I look at him compassionately.
"Who said being normal is a good thing?"i said smiling and I quickly made a pirouette until I arrive behind his back and put him his training shirt on his beck and kiss him fast on his icy chick leaving him shocked and rushing into my house.
It was 8 pm,I am afraid of my parents reaction because I reached so late.😥
But still I am happy because I was with him ,nothing can broke no my good mood.

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