Chapter 3

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"Here you are!" said my mother bothered.

"Sorry mom....I ...just lost myself into the forest....",I said looking down.

"But what did you do at that hour in the forest? „asked my father curiously.

"Nothing. Just looking for my past remembers....",I said,'' but I realized that as soon as I find one it vanishes among my memory and this painful world...."I said still tormented about happenings.

"Wow...!",said my mother," Are you sure you are okay, you are very deep ,even too deep for you!", she laughed.

"Ahaha,yeah...I am let me help you, you two look amazing and where are the girls, did they arrived?" I tried to change the subject.

"Yes they are in the room, we need to leave, take care of girls and don't leave the house, probably is summer, but is still late, bye sweetie! "said my mother and they left.

What was with that appellate ,anyway I need to see what the girls are doing to make sure I can go to sleep ,I am really tired.

So ,I was walking on the hall and when I knocked at the door my sister screamed. I opened quickly the door and I saw 5 girls dressed and made up with my stuffs....😡...

"Hina,my dear sister,I forgot my phone here but it seems your friends found it already", I said while I took the phone from a brunette girl.

"Leave, I told you to not come!" ,she said.

"Now I see why...when you finished dressing yourself please put the clothes in the wardrobe again...,"I said leaving.

"Aren't you mad? ",she asked.

I closed the door without saying anything, I knew that know I have to deal with other problems, that boy, Kota is still on my mind. I washed up and went to bad when I realized that I need to see him... ..I don't know why I just need...What is he?...I quickly go down stairs and try to go out but when I arrive there I saw the girls in the living room watching TV , I couldn't leave...I need to do something...I went in the my room locked the door behind me and opened the window. I think I became crazy...I can't do this but the attic was the only free room, I can't give up now. It was a pretty big distance between my window and the ground. Probably I should just leave on the door...but my sister would tell that at my parents for sure, this is the last thing I want. A calmly breeze was playing with my hair. I stood up on the window's sill and climbed on the roof. I was dressed in a black dress up to my knees, it is pretty hard to do that with that kind of outfit. And know ,what should I do? I go at the end of the roof and tried to find a way to go down,but I slipped on the chalets grind falling .....

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