Chapter 4

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"Raven ,are you going to suicide yourself again? "asked a voice on a cold tone.

"Wait. What?!"...I was shivering when I realized that I am alive,Kota saved me again but how ?! he a.....

"Kota are you a stalker? „I asked him irritated while he was keeping me on his arms.

"No I am not..."he said looking into my eyes, "I was walking through the woods when a spirit of the trees told me about you, so I came here."

I tried to get down from his arms, when he realized that he was still keeping me , he put me down.

" What were you doing? "he asked annoyed of my actions.

"I couldn't leave on the door,long story, but I did that to come and find you."

"Tch..Why..?!"Kota grumbles something in silence.

"You should go to sleep, is late now", he said moving away.

I went following him.

"Tch...aren't you afraid of me? "he asked.

" Why should I ?"I said.

"You are a girl",Kota said smirking.

"I am not afraid ,I trust you!"

At those words Kota stood still a couple of seconds and then walked away.

"Come with me", he said.

I nodded my head and walk along with him.

"Where are we going?"I asked him curiously.

"You will see.", he said still in a very distant voice.

The gurgling of the stream that we were crossing was whispering peace and harmony in our ears

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The gurgling of the stream that we were crossing was whispering peace and harmony in our ears.

"Don't you think the forest is another person in the night time? "I asked Kota

"You feel that? You know, every single being has a hide personality",Kota affirmed amazed of my question.

"Do you see the forest like an alive being? "I wondered about his last phrase.

"Close your eyes,Raven",said Kota gently.

"Do you hear that? "he asked.

"What? ''I was confused.

"Listen attentive, the rivers story, the winds whispering, the birds chirping, the chanting of the spirits", said Kota putting his hands on my shoulders, "those make the woods alive too, I always said that the forest has its own soul, a soul that is feeding with all life around, even with ourselves."

"Is that fair? "I asked Kota.

"Who knows ,nobody cares about other person besides itself. Nobody feels the pain that is in your heart....,"said Kota when he remembered something that seemed to bother him.

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