Chapter 5

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I woke up sleepy like all events last night were just some misty and dusty dreams. The fact was that everything happened is real even if it is hard for me to believe that. For the first time from a log ago I feel happy. It was 10 am; my parents should have arrived home. I take a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from the wardrobe then I go to see how everyone is. It seems that it was a wild party last night. I am scared to enter my ex room. The girls were sleeping on the sofa and my parents were drinking their coffee outside. I go out and set next to them.

"I told you to take care of your sister", said mother "the house is a mass!"

"Sorry I wasn't feeling okay last night so I felt asleep", I said but the fact is that last night was the best night of my life.

"We should call a doctor", said my father smirking strange.

"No ,no...I am okay by the way how the wedding was?"

"Nice there were a lot of guests and food was awesome, but we came home earlier at 1 am because your father was feeling bad", my mother said looking at me with doubts.

Oh no,......I am scared now.

"And you know I knocked to your room and you didn't answer, and the I called you on the phone too but you didn't respond to me."

"Yeah..because I closed the phone.And I didn't hear you, it was probably because I was really exhausted "I said laughing stressful.
"But you weren't in the room and the window was open!"said my mother suspecting me.
"I remember I went to bathroom last night,probably because of that",I said laughing nervous.

"Probably...."said my mother unsure.

I smiled triumphantly; it seems that they trust me.

"Raven, you know what is at the end of summer,right?" asked my father.

"No", I said confused.

"Is the festival of Wandering Souls in the village, a celebration for the dead ones, said my father.

"I used to go with my grandma", I said melancholy.

"My mother was an amazing person but she was so different from us...sometimes I thought that she was leaving in other world from here, always with her head in the clouds...still ,I miss her, even we were not so approached.", confessed my mother.

"She loved you", my mother smiled telling me.

The wind was blowing calmly.

"Mother, do you think spirits are real? I asked her.

"Raven don't you think these stories aren't for you?" Said my father standing up and laughing.

"You should go to the festival, probably you will meet some fairies and unicorns too", my farther teased me.

"That would be amazing, do you think that? "I asked happily.

"Raven, sometimes I can't understand you ",said my father laughing, "Your sister is more mature than you, she spends her time in reality".

I looked down.

"I like to be myself", I said bothered.

My father smiles and enters the chalet.

"Raven, you know the myth behind this festival? "ask my mother to change the subject.

"Isn't the festival for banishing the evil spirits?" I asked her.

"Yeah..this is the scope of the festival but still it is a myth behind it", said my mother.

"Tell me!"

"The evil spirits are banished back to hell, to let the wandering souls to meet, these wandering souls aren't only the dead ones, the soul mates that are meant to be together are meeting there, said my mother melancholy.

"I met your father there, that night was one of the best things happened to me."

"Your grandmother told me that people from different worlds are falling in love."

"You mean spirits and humans? "I asked her confused.

"I don't think so, I guess it's about the people that are very different, but actually they are completing each other, I don't think is something about the spirits, I don't know..." said my mother looking at the beautiful sky.

"Your grandmother told me too, that the soul mates that are blind of their love, will discover themselves and the true and inhumane love will go in a journey in the place beyond the spirits and fairy tales, a place called "The clouds village", she told me.

"I didn't know that", I said amazed.

"Did you go there, mom? "I asked my mother.

"I am human I can't have an inhumane love", she laughed.

"Why not?" I asked her.

"Don't think so much about this childish story, it is just a tale, it isn't real, my mother was a creative person, "said mom looking at my happily.

"How can you say tha,t you met my father there? "I said annoyed.

"It was just luck", she said leaving.

"Mom...why did you leave me at my grandmother after I was born? "I asked sad.

My mother turned around and looked at me; she knew that this day would come.

"I was that time I was dealing with a lot of were a burden...I couldn't let you die. "said my mother and rushed into the chalet.

Little children are really a burden....I can't blame her I know how was my sister, but anyway what does she mean through the words "couldn't let you die", was I about to die? Or was she in a bad financial mood that she couldn't take care of me?....I will find out as soon as I can, I am sick of living in a lie. I laid on the terrace admiring the sky, now I want to leave the past for a couple of minutes, the sky is so sincere, it always shows how it feels, in the bad days he is nervous and uncontrollable, in the sad day it cries making everyone feeling his pain and in sunny days like this it is giving a gram of hope and happiness to every torment heart. My thoughts are flying in different directions but everything brings me to that legend of soul mates...I knew inside that it was true, my grandmother said that, so that means is true, I definitely would like to go at that festival again, but this time with a different story and vision.

A person was sitting in front of me covering the sun.

"Raven,hahaha...funny story...let's see...haha." said Hina laughing.

"What happened, did you have fun at your party, princess? "I asked her wandering.

"Yeah...the party was amazing but ....hahaha....I need to go....," said Hina rushing in the chalet.

Wait, why was she keeping that piece of material in her hands.Wait, I have a blouse like that....or I had it was only a half of the blouse in her hands.

"Hina, wait, if catch you I will wash my ex room floor with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I screamed angry.

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