Chapter 10

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"Raven,quickly come here!"said Kota grabbing my hand.
"You know you told me too keep my eyes closed!"I said annoyed.
"Hehe..right,sorry!"he laughed.
The most important thing was that he was happy and that made my heart crackled ,This was all that I was dreaming of making him smiling...
"Open your eyes!"said Kota.
He took me in the place we first met,the day that changed me and my life forever..
"Remember first time we met here,when you were about to fall",he said melancholic.
"I try not to remember that part",I said laughing.
"Why,when I saw how peaceful and dreamy was your face while you were about to fall and I was keeping your hand made me....",he said stopping and thinking with sadness at something.
"What?"i asked.
"The summer is about to finish you know",he said sitting on the age of the cliff,"over two weeks I will be lonely again"....
"Kota...",I said worried I knew this day will come.
"Our lifes are so different ,so impossible to distant that I can feel a cold wind freezing my heart again...,"said Kota.
"Kota don't say that..",I screamed until I was interrupted.
"Isn't that true?" he asked.
I couldn't respond his words..inside I know my life would finish without him.
"Raven,.....I guess that was the whole will leave over two days and I will....",he stopped himself.
"May you make me a last favour?" he asked.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"Let's finish today, the whole story,I don't like to make the agony longer...",he said crying and looking at the sky.
"What?! Is happening with you last 10 minutes you were happy and now you are telling me good bye?"i said crying.
"I am sorry but one day,someone should open his eyes,I do everything for your shake..."he said looking at me.
He stood up and came near me raising my head up.
"Raven,I want you to be happy!"he said with a fake smile .
"Then don't do this!"I shouted.
"It hurts but it's for you,you need to go further",he said.
I grabbed his hand angry from my face.
"I can't be happy..."i said through my flowing tears.
He was looking confused...
"Because you are my everything,if I loose you I will have nothing "i screamed.
"Raven"...he looked shocked at me.
"You think it's okay,right,you are like my parents you played with my feelings until nothing will remain from my soul spirit!!I thought....I thought from the first time in my life....",I said stopping myself and falling on my knees.
"Raven...I....",he was looking at me without any words.
I stood up quickly and left him there ,I couldn't stay there any longer,the pain I was feeling was distorting me inside.
I heard him shouting my name...but it was too late to go back now...I thought I could dream ...I thought I could be tomorrow at the festival with him,I thought I would leave my life for him..but he threw me away so easy like nothing happened....

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