Chapter 11

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That day I arrived home and looked myself into my room.I couldn't sleep the whole night.Kota came in from of the chalet last night but I didn't want to see him...he doesn't care about me anymore...he chooses leaving me,he chooses the easy way...I guess he doesn't love me...I was such a foolish girl...Yes,I love him..but it doesn't matter anymore now.....Today was my last night here,today was the festival of Wandering Souls,it is
11 am,I wished I had spent my last day with him,I wish we had gone together at the festival.This was my summer dream.....I don't think I will go at the festival at brings so much remember.
"Raven,it's 11 o'clock ,you should wake up it's late already!" screamed my mother.
"Raven ,open the door,today is the festival that you waited so much.Let's go together to buy some nice clothes for tonight,I know you would like",said my mother.
"Raven ,what happened are you alright?Did I do something wrong again?"she asked.
I stand up and went slowly to open the door.
"Raven,you look horrible,what happened?"she asked.
I hugged her quickly and started to cry.
"Raven,say something",she said worried.
"I don't feel able to go at the festival, I don't feel well",I said taking my tears with my hands.
"You seem sick,you have no color in the chicks,and you have fever too,go in the bad I bring you something to eat ,no festival for you today!"she said worried.
"You don't have to cry for such a pity reason,I know that festival it's important for you, but don't worry we will buy you a lot of stuffs from there,"she said leaving.
Mother I would like you to know that material things can't bring happiness to a dead heart ...
I closed the door and set near the window. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I felt asleep there.
When I woke up it was 7 pm,how much did I sleep...I couldn't believe that time passed so fast. My family left to the festival,it's seems that I am the only one ramained here. I set on the bed.Kota was here last night that means he cares about me ...he ...I can't get him out of my mind even if I try...I can't give up again ....I can't give up at him...I realized that my love is stronger than his painfull words ....I must see tears were flowing without stopping.
I quickly took from the wardrobe a tight dress and some shoes and left the house.I searched him in the forest ,at the temple I ran to his favorite place but I couldn't find him.Suddenly I heard something approaching me.It was the black wolf spirit,it has stunning dark wings I could lose myself looking through his incredible plumage ,he stepped near me.
"Where is Kota?"I asked him.
"You should stay away from him,or you will be the only one how suffers in the end",the spirit said disappearing.
"Wait ,what do you mean by that?"i asked him but it was too late.
Wait,did something happened to Kota?The festival......I told him I would definitely go there ,probably he is there looking for me.I need to fix things with him,I need to know if he loves me or not.
I ran to the festival.There was so crowded I hardly could escape from the tight.I was running and looking desperate in all directions.I wasn't attentive and I unfortunately met my parents by bumping into them.
"Raven,I thought you were sick",said my father.
"What happened?"asked my mother.
"She is looking for her boyfriend!"said my sister annoying me.
But I couldn't say anything because I suddenly saw Kota searching for me far away.He saw me and stopped.
"Raven,did you hear me?"said my mother irritated.
We looked each other from far standing both of us frozen.
"Raven",my father shakes me to wake me up.
I pushed him away and run to Kota.
"Raven,where are you going ?"asked my mother,but I couldn't hear her I must see Kota ,I must touch Kota ,even is the last thing I will do.

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