Chapter 8

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Suddenly, I heard some stones clashing outside my window. It was 11 pm, i still feel a deep pain in my heart and an inescapable confusion,I don't know myself anymore.I hardly stepped in front of the window and opened it.My hair was a total mess.I saw Kota in front of the chalet.
"Raven,what happened to you?"asked Kota seeing how I was looking.
"Why are you here?"i asked him careless.
He looks down without saying anything. I wanted to climb the roof so that I can leave the house
"Raven,jump I will catch you!"said Kota.
"Are you crazy?!"i exclaimed.
"Raven",he screamed with a different face expression,I hadn't seen that before at his,its inspiring me trust and protection.
"Kota",I said preparing myself to jump.Kota nodes his head.In one second I wake up into his's like I felt from a nightmare into a sweet dream.I put my hands around him still a bit frightened and I put my head on his chest.His icy hands were holding me...but still something it's strange I couldn't hear....
" Kota, I can't hear your heart!"I said scared.
He puts me down.And turns his head in a different positions so that he can't see me.The moon beam was dressing the trees with light pieces of jewellers.
"Because I don't have one!"said Kota smiling.
" You don't have....?!What keeps you alive?"
"I don't know,human beings have heart,I guess I live with energy."he said a bit unsure.
"Let's go!"he said changing the subject.
" Are you sad ,Raven? "he asked me worried.
"How do you observed?"i asked him.
"Let's see,you look a bit broke down and I can feel your sadness."he said walking in front.
"You can...?" I wondered amazed."How?"
"I don't know,I just knew that something is wrong with you so I came here."
"So you came for me!"i said smiling.
Kota blushes and hides his face.
"Wold you like telling me what happened?"
I told him whole discussion about how my parents left me and that I wasn't their child and I lived in a lie.
"So they told you!"said Kota nervous.
"What,Kota don't tell me you knew?"
"You're grandmother told me everything.",he said.
" Why didn't you tell me?I thought I could trust you!"I stopped walking and prepared to run back home until he caught my hand and grabbed me so suddenly that we felt on the grass.I felt my body on a very cold but soft skin.
"Don't you leave me",he said squeezing me thigh.
"Kkota....",I stuttered.
I stood with my head on his chest responding him back to his squeeze.
"I promised your grandmother I won't tell you, I knew it was such a cruel thing,but I could not refuse her because she was your mother and she had probably a good reason to keep away that from you!"said Kota calmly.
I have no words to say, I am feeling so good in his arms,so safe for the first time in my life.
"I'm sorry Kota,it's just I am so confused...I don't know who should I trust anymore."
Kota stood me and him up so now I was sitting on his lap.
"Trust me ,I won't hide anything from you!"he said shyly looking in another way.
I blushed and put again my head on his chest.He was a bit nervous I could feel that.
"Let's go ,I want to show you my favorite place here,a place where silence is an eternal kingdom."
His words are magic to my heart.

"Here", he said raising up his hands, smiling and looking at the night glowing lights

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"Here", he said raising up his hands, smiling and looking at the night glowing lights.
"I spend most of my time here",he said with a voice full of worm memories.
It wasn't such a beautiful place but probably for him, it means a lot. His soul seems to be bound of this mysterious place.
"Raven sit on the swing, I will pull you,"he said blushing on a wide smile.
I sat down and keep the ropes of the swing tight.
He started to move up and down the swing.
"I can stop if you don't like ,"he said.
"No ,please don't, I would like to stay forever in your silent kingdom",I said laughing .
He blushed.
" You like here?"he ask.
"Of course!"
Now that I talked with him I feel better, I feel like no one can take away the happiness from me.
"Kota,I trust you ,but do you trust me?"I asked.
He stopped and sat in front of me raising my chin .
" You are the only one I had and will ever trust."he said and set on the ground in front of me.
"Tell me what you are then!"i said nervous.
He hesitated.
"I am scared, you will see me with other eyes if I tell you."he said.
"Kota,i thought you know me, I don't judge",I said a bit disappointed of his words.
"I am sorry,I am a fool",he said on his usual cold tone.
"I am a Wandering Soul",he said looking down.
Like the name of the festival that my "mother " told me about...hmm...
"I was human like you once...."he said with a voice wondered with lovely past memories.
"What happened? Did you died?"
"No ,I didn't.I still remember that night,the cold wind blowing wild.....I was alone ,sitting next to that tree" he said pointing the tree which the swing is bind of.
"That night I lost my parents in a car crush,I was the only one alive,I entered this forest so that my story started."he said crying involuntary.
"Kota".....,I said worried.
"Why I was chosen to live instead of my parents...why me...???I can't find the reason of my existence...,"he complained.
"The Life Tree,heard about me and saved me because I was about to die from that accident,and now look at me I am wandering an eternity through this forest like my soul is.",he said.
The Life Tree.... he means the huge tree that he took me last days.The tree that keeps the forest alive.
"I tried to run to find my parents, to save them ,but I wasn't allowed to leave this forest ,The Life Tree saved me and the cost of my living was dedicating my life to this forest.I couldn't save them,I saved only me....I couldn't get out from here...a barrier will keep me here forever,"he said crying.
I stood up from the swing and suddenly rushed to him and put my hands around his neck.
"Raven....",he said shocked.
"I won't let you cry anymore",I said with a tear flowing on his neck.
He felt it and started.
"Kota,it isn't your fault,you did what you could,I am sure your parents loved you and still are looking at you with the eyes of the sky,they are happy you were saved,if you suffer now you will make them cry because of you....I understand that for parents...the most important thing even they hurt you or it isn't fair that their child to be safe."I said calmly.
Kota puts me away on his lap and takes my tears with him hand.His pale face started to have a red color on the chicks.
"Thank you",he said looking at me again with that dreamy look that I saw when he caught me from falling. This look is making my heart shiver,what is this feeling,I feel like I don't want ever him to leave me....
He quickly stood up. Why,did I say something wrong?!
Some spirits surrounded us.
" You told...told...her....her ...her..",said the spirits in choir.
"What do you want from me?"he shouted.
I stood up and went next to him.
"Leave the human...human...human......girl,you ...will ...wil suffer...suffer...,"said the spirits in choir.
"How can I suffer?" he asked.
"Not you, the human girl",said the owl spirit.
I was looking around confused.
"Wait,why?"i asked.
"Your place isn't here!"said the old spirit leaving us again alone.
"Raven,I won't let anyone hurt you!I swear on my life! "he shouted.
Why the spirits want to hurt me ,I will find that out for sure.I need just to discuss with them they will understand I guess.
"I need to go",I said a bit confused about what happened.
" You leave again....",he said with sadness.
I nodded my head.
"May I lead you on the way home?",he asked.
I smiled and hugged his hand while we were walking.He started suddenly but then a wide smile appeared on his pale face.
"Kota,are here other Wandering Souls?"i asked.
"Spirits told me that they left along ago the forest and vanished , once with the time. They violated the rule so result they were punished.
"They disappeared...."I said thinking.
"Is that bad?' I asked him.
"To disappear means to stop your existence,like you were just a pale of wind along the cruel and endless time.",he said with a mount of frighten in his voice.
"What exactly is a Wandering Soul ,I know that in the village, at night is a festival at the end of the summer ,called Wandering Soul,"I said curious.
"The spirit told me that I am an entity made of instabile energy ,they said that I mustn"t use a big amount of energy if I do that I will vanish like the Wandering Souls that left the forest long ago."he said with frightening in his voice.
"How you increase your energy?"I suddenly stopped and asked him worried .
"Hahaha......don't worry Raven,it is practically impossible to raise my energy so much,I mean I am half dead I can't find in my body that big amount of energy",he said trustworthy and smiling.
"Are you sure?"I asked him.
"Yeah...don't worry,Raven,trust me!"he said with a wondering face.
"Did you ask the spirits what you have to do to prevent increasing your energy?"i asked.
"I did but their answer was odd...."Remain only a Wandering Soul and do what it's written for them to do",he said a bit nervous.
"It's confusing....",I said a bit broke down.
"Raven,let's move on this subject,it doesn't matter anymore!"he said careless.
"Your life matters....."I said with sadness in eyes.
"I am and I will be okay....don't make such a presssion ,chill yourself!"he said with a funny face that made me laugh.
"Okay,I will",I said giving up.
"By the way, I thought you don't care about beings around you",he says wondering.
"Shut up already",I said embarrassed.
"Okay...Okay," he said raising up his hands meaning that he gives up.
"Kota, but how did the humans know about Wondering Souls, I mean what bind is between you and the festival?"I asked curious.
"It is no bind",he sad on a serious tone,"I don't know probably were other exceptions of humans in the past like your grandmother that could see the Wondering Souls,so that another legend raised up in the village library,"he said giggling.
"That's interesting!"i exclaimed with wide dreamy eyes.
"What?"he asked.
" course you", I said looking at him .
He blushes and changes quickly the subject.
"So do you go at that festival?" he asked.
"For sure,it's been a while since I didn't go,"i said smiling.
"You?"i asked him hoping he is going there too.
"I won't be visible anyway,no one would see me".
"I will",I whispered,I think he didn't hear me..,or probably I hope that.
We arrived in front of the chalet.
"Bye",he said walking disappearing into the night of the forest.
I went to the chalet door when I realized it was locked and there were no open windows..😨...what should I do know, the last thing that I want is my "mother" to catch me here.I did some tours around the chalet when I finally realized that I have no way to enter.Wait I need a plan,I"ll go and sleep at the temple and in the morning , when everyone is awake I will sneak into the house with no one noticing me.I was proud, that was a good plan but putting it in practice was a bit hard.I ran in the forest,up the stairs and lay down near a column watching the stars and thinking about what happened.I felt asleep when an unknown rustling woke me up.I ignore it and close my eyes for a second when I feel someone laying down near me,it was Kota obviously,but still I was shocked.
"You could not enter"he said amused".
"Yep....",I said laughing.
"What are you going to do? "he asked while he was watching the stars laying near me.
"Tomorrow I will sneak into the house,"I said.
"Good luck", he said standing up.
"Good night", he said walking down the temple's stairs.
"Kota",I shouted and he turned his look at me.
"Nothing,I guess...",I stuttered a bit disappointed I hadn't courage enough to tell him to stay with me.
"Raven",he said turning his face in different direction,"may ,I stay with you?"he asked embarrassed.
My eyes opened wide and I felt my chest worm .
"Yes", I said stuttering.
He came and sat next to me.
"You can't sleep ,what will you do?"I asked him.
"I will be assuring that you are safe,"he said on his cold voice,"I promised you that,remember?"he asked.
I smiled and told Kota...
"Would you like to go swimming tomorrow in the lake?"i said half asleep.
"Sure",Kota said on a nervous voice.

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