Chapter 9

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I wake up in Kota's arms.
"Why ?What happened ?"i stuttered embarrassed and confused.
"It rained so I took you under the stone roof ,but I was to the end I didn't try to move you anymore because I didn't want to wake you up",he said nervous.
I didn't understand so much from his "explanation" but I guess he had a good reason for doing that...😅
"Thanks,I guess...",I laughed.
He smiled.
"Oh,....I need to go ,see you,don't forget about what you promised last night,"i shouted leaving the temple.
"See you....",he said blushing.
I arrived home and I saw my mother out, drinking her coffee as usual,I stand in a bush hiding until she entered, then I went in.
I rushed on the corridor and tip toe on the stairs,I will succeed.Now I was to open the door when I saw it was close.Oh,fuck,I forget to open it last night,it has a lock only from inside the room.What should I do know and when I thought things couldn't be worse than now, I suddenly realized that my mother was behind me.
"Raven.....We need to talk."..,she said a bit depressed.
"Right now....?!"i said nervous.
"Yes",she said on a serious tone.
"Let's go in your room,it is more silent there",my mother said.
","I prefer outside actually I feel exhausted when I don't have air,let's go outside on the terrace..",I said nervous.
"Okay,but are you okay you seem strange?"she asked.
I nodded my head , went with her outside and set down on the wooden terrace looking at the sunny sky.
"About yesterday...," she said until I interrupted her.
"Mom,it's okay in some points I think I understand you,I am sorry I didn't have to run like that.....,"i said embarrassed.
"It's not your fault,I made a lot of wrong decisions,I can't blame you,I am really sorry.... I was blind",she said crying ,I didn't expect her to feel sorry.
"Mom,it's okay,I guess...,I just need to be alone some time to clear my thoughts,"I said.
"I understand ",said my mother leaving",Tell me if you need something"..
I don't understand myself anymore it's okay to forgive my mother like nothing happened...I don't want to be sad anymore,I am sick of this tension around,but still ,my heart can't trust them anymore,probably time will dig my scars.
"Raven,why your room is locked and you are here?"shouted my sister.
"What?"said my father coming on the terrace.
Amazing .....
"Raven,I guess you have to give us a lot of explanations",said my father. I get out from this now?
"Hehehe...funny door is blocked from an unknown reason...I got out from my room and when I tried to was locked.",I invented something.
"I told you that place is haunted",screamed my sister.
"Raven,was that the truth?"asked me father.
"Yeah....why you don't go and unlock it I want to go today at the lake ,so I need my swimming suite"i said .
"I 'll go,"said my father on an exhausted voice.
"Raven,I come with you,you promise me you learn me swim!"said my sister excited.
"Wait,no!"i said.
" Why?"
"Because i want to be alone!"i said.
"With your boyfriend, I understand!Dad I told you she has a secret boyfriend!" Hina shouted.
"What?"screamed my father.
"Raven has...",she said until I put my hand on her mouth.
"Shut up,I don't have a boyfriend.Then why I can't come with you?"she asked.
"Because...Because..I saw grandmother in the forest!"i said.
"I knew she still haunts this place!!!"said Hina scared .
" I must try to give her peace so that she can leave this world and don't come back,but you need to stay in house today because she doesn't know you very well so she could be angry !"i said on a serious tone.
"I will, thanks for telling me sister...and sorry cause I annoyed you,I 'll stay in my room today!"she said running in the chalet frightened .
Oh....what a headache....I am glad I found something to change her mind,I should keep my mouth shut and not say all things I do.
My father told me he finished unlocking the room.It was 4 pm.I dressed in the swimming suite and took a pretty white dress on me then left to the lake.
It was the only lake from what I know in this forest and it has amazing landscapes.
When I arrived there I saw Kota laid down on the grass in his black swim suit with his eyes closed.He waited for me.....this makes my heart beat faster.
The sun was covering his pale skin.I tip toe near him and sit on my knees near his head.He looks so cute and peaceful.I took my dress slowly off and remain only in my swimming suite.I slowly put my hands on his face.He jumped and blushed throwing short looks at me.
"Sorry I .....",he said until I interrupted him.
"Felt asleep",I said laughing.
"You know I can't",he laughed and took me on his arms standing up.
"Wait!What are you doing?"i asked nervous.
"You must wake up too," he said laughing.
"No I don't want to swim now, I will wet my hair!"i said.
"You will look as beautiful as now in the water....,"he said and suddenly stopped and blushed.
Wow...I guess my face was red from his words.
"Sorry...I put you down" ,he stuttered.
When he wasn't attentive I quickly pulled him into the water but he was keeping my hand so we felt together.
"You did that intentional",Kota laughed.
"Probably" I said standing in front of him.
Anyway when we finished swimming was 7 pm.

The days of summer with him were magic,every day we met and talked and talked about me ,about him ,about this world....I guess about everything...I felt like ....I finally understand that he is the most important person to me....and I love him...I don't want to leave him...I need to be with him forever... Everything was more stunning then the most peaceful heaven...but one day something broke down something that made me realized that ........

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