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Jungkook was on the couch texting his best friend, Hoseok. Jungkook and Hoseok both lives by them self as their parents passed away when they were little. They wanted to move in with each other but felt that it would somehow be awkward.

Jungkook sighed as he felt the loneliness in the house. He wished some one would be here, for him to talk to. He sighed again, turning on the TV in til his phone dinged.

12.35 P.M.
J-Hoe : Don't you feel lonely at home alone sometimes?

12.36 P.M.
Jungcock : Well, yes. But what other choice do we have?

12.38 P.M.
J-Hoe : Hey, do you want to buy a pet together?

12.40 P.M.
Jungcock : As in, now? Well, I could use some company. So I guess, yeah.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

12.42 P.M.
J-Hoe : Then let's meet at the usual spot. I will see you there in 5 min. Bye \(^O^)/

12.43 P.M.
Jungcock : ( ^_^ )/~~ByeBye

Jungkook stood up from the couch and grab his jacket before heading out. He headed towards the park where him and Hoseok always meet up. After awhile, he saw Hoseok walking towards his direction.

"Hey Jungcock." Hoseok teased. "Hey Hoe." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Anyways lets go!" Hoseok said, dragging Jungkook's towards a direction he doesn't know.

"Yah! Where are we going?" Jungkook asked. "To buy a pet, duh." Hoseok deadpanned. "I know, but where?" Jungkook asked. "A pet shop? Duh." Hoseok said again.

"I know! But which particular pet shop are you referring to you dumbass hoe." Jungkook shooked his head. "I don't know, but I just saw one when I was heading home. So let's just go!" Hoseok said.

Jungkook sighed. "Does he even know the direction?" He thought. After awhile, a small shop came into view and Jungkook raises his eye brow at the shop name. "Hybrid Pet Shop." Jungkook read.

"Hyung, this is a Hybrid shop, not a pet shop..." Jungkook said. "Who says hybrid can't be a pet. Come on! Just go in with me since we are already here." Hoseok replied. Once again dragging Jungkook into the shop. The door bell rang a little at the two entry.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?" A boy about their age greeted. "Well, we are each here to find a hybrid. What kind of hybrids does this shop sell?" Hoseok asked, rather interested.

"Well, we have cat, fox, dog and more. But the most popular among your age is the cat hybrid." The boy answered. "May I know the direction to cat hybrids?" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook just followed Hoseok into a room leaded by the boy. His eyes widen seeing so many adorable cat hybrids in the room. One particular hybrid caught his attention. Its fur was orange. He walked towards the cage and saw the details sticker pasted at the side.

-Kim Taehyung
-Human age : 19
-Playful, cute, energetic, kind, sweet and very loyal.

He smiled at the cat in the cage and the cat replied with a cute meow. Jungkook cooed at the sight. "Already found one that you are interested in?" Hoseok asked. "Maybe?" Jungkook replied.

Hoseok then walked towards another cage with a white cat in it. Hoseok smiled at it and the cat only glanced at him before closing its eyes. Hoseok raised an eye brow at the cat.

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