Making Kittens?!

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A few months later

December was a month that had many important events for both Taekook and many others. So, Jungkook decided to take the whole month off of work and Taehyung was really excited as Jungkook told him he had the whole day planned out just for them.

"Kookie, where are we going?" Taehyung asked curiously. "You'll see." Jungkook winked. Taehyung pouted, "Can't you tell me?" Jungkook almost gave in but remained stubborn, "It's a surprise, baby."

Taehyung sighed and gave up, "Fine.." He huffed. "Aww, baby. I promise you'll like it there, okay?" Jungkook said. Taehyung nodded but still slightly sad. But definitely curious.

"Now, baby. Go dress yourself up. We'll go for breakfast." Jungkook smiled. Taehyung nodded adorably before standing up and heading for their shared bedroom to change.

Jungkook smiled adoringly at his cute hybrid as he waited patiently for Taehyung to finish changing. After a few minutes, Taehyung came out of their shared bedroom.

"Baby, you look gorgeous," Jungkook smiled. Taehyung looked down and smiled shyly, "Thank you, Master."
Jungkook chuckled slightly before walking towards Taehyung and interlocking their hands.

"Let's go shall we?" He asked. Taehyung nodded and off they went, to a location where only Jungkook knows. The both of them got into the car and Jungkook helped Taehyung to buckle his seatbelt.

Taehyung could not help the pink tint that crawled onto his cheeks. Jungkook glanced at Taehyung to see him flustered and he laughed, eyes crinkling.

Jungkook kissed Taehyung on the cheeks and muttered, "Gosh baby, you're so adorable." Taehyung's blush could only deepen as he smiled again. "Alright, let's go to eat breakfast, yeah?" Jungkook grinned.

The answer he got was Taehyung's stomach growling and Taehyung's eyes widening. Jungkook laughed heartily before they went off to a restaurent that Jungkook made reservations at.

When they got down, Taehyung gaped at the fancy looking building before him. "Kookie, isn't this place's food expensive? I don't want to waste any money..." He whispered.

Jungkook caressed his cheeks softly and said, "How is spending things on my beautiful baby wasting money, hmm?" Taehyung blushed for the umpteenth time that day and turned his head the other way.

Jungkook interlocked their hands once again as they entered the building. "Reservation for Mr Jeon," Jungkook said.

"Oh yes, this way please," the waiter said as she leaded the both of them to a table for two. Taehyung looked around and became self-conscious. "All of the people here are wearing cloths that looks so high-class... I'm not fit to be here," he thought.

"Tae, baby, what's the matter?" Jungkook asked, corcern evidenced in his eyes. Taehyung shook his head gently, forcing a smile. "Baby, you can always tell me what's wrong, okay? Don't keep it to yourself," Jungkook said gently.

Taehyung nodded and said, "Shall we get food?" Jungkook hummed, "You can get anything you want baby." Taehyung took the menu and scanned through it, "Oh, can I get pancakes with strawberries on it? Please, please, pretty please."

Jungkook laughed, bunny teeths showing as he nodded. "Anything else?" Taehyung hesitated as he scanned through the menu once again, "Maybe Breakfast Set 1, it looks nice."

Jungkook hummed, scanning through the menu himself. He looked up and made eye contact with one of the waiters and nodded. The waiter walked towards them and asked politely, "What can I get for you sir?"

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