Sudden News

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Jungkook woke up to his phone ringing and ringing for the pass 15 minutes. He groaned and sat up before answering the phone. "Hello?" He said in a hoarse voice since he just woke up.

Hearing his owners voice, Taehyung woke up too. "What?!" Jungkook shouted, eyes wide. Taehyung was startled by the sudden outburst and screamed.

"Oh my god, Tae. I'm so sorry," Jungkook said. "But, what?! Hoseok, you better be telling the truth or I will literally head straight to your house, tear your door down and whack your faceu and then fill the house with spiders."

Taehyung stifled a chuckle from the words that left Jungkook's mouth but couldn't help but make a face when Jungkook mentioned spiders.

Jungkook then hanged up. "Hyung? (Kook is 20, Tae is 19.) What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook turned around with his eyes sort of sparkling.

"BigBang is coming to Busan for a concert!" He squealed slightly. Taehyung was confused, "B-bigBang..?" He tilted his head to the side. His ears moving slightly.

Jungkook cooed at the sight. "Y-yeah. BigBang is a Korea band formed by 5 members. They debuted for around 10 years! And I am big fan of them." He explained.

"Big fan..? You're a fan..?" Taehyung asked, more confuse than ever. "Yes, a big fan of BigBang." Jungkook smiled. "You're a fan? But you don't look like one... You don't have buttons or anything." Taehyung said, eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched up.

Jungkook laughed, "Not that kind of fan. A fan is like, when you really like a certain thing. You call yourself a fan. And if that thing has a fandom name. Like for example, BigBang's fandom name is called VIP. Then I call myself VIP." Jungkook explained.

"Ohh..." Taehyung eyes look so adorable and his face looked so innocent like he learned something which he did. "Then... I am a fan of you!" Taehyung stated happily.

"Huh..?" Jungkook was confused this time. "You said you call yourself a fan when you like a certain thing. I like you. So I am a fan of yours!" Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook chuckled, though his cheeks were a tint pink. "He said he liked me." Taehyung then suddenly jumped out of bed. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"We gotta get you something to wear on the concert!" Taehyung said. "Quick change your cloths! We need to go to the nearest shopping mall!" Taehyung said.

Jungkook chuckled, "Alright, alright." Taehyung then headed out of the bedroom for Jungkook to change. While waiting, he decided to check out what BigBang was.

"Wow... Their song are so cool! Bang bang bang!" Taehyung smiled, cheering along. Them the song ended, he was quite sad. So he quickly clicked on another video not seeing the title.

"She had me gone crazy." The video said. "Eh..? Is this BigBamg or..?" Taehyung said. He checked the titilerto see. "EXO Monster" Taehyung then look back the video.

"It's nice!" Taehyung smiled. "You can call me monster!" Taehyung sang. Just then, the bedroom's door clicked open. But Taehyung didn't notice and kept singing.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was enjoying himself. He chuckled. The sound causing Taehyung to turn his head to the the source. His eyes widened when he saw Jungkook.

Taehyung's cheek turned a cute shade of pink. "I-I'm going to c-change!" He stuttered, rushing off. "Ahh, he saw me cheering. And he looks so hot~ WAIT. WHAT AM I THINKING?!" Taehyung blushes deep red. Tail swaying from side to side vigorously.

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