Bonding? (Yoonseok Special)

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Hoseok closed the door behind him. Careful not to make any noise so that he won't wake the cat on his arms. He placed some stuff he bought on the table before placing Yoongi in his bedroom. Then left to the kitchen to do some stuff.

Hoseok switched on his phone to see some notifications on Facebook which he really wouldn't care much anyways. He turned off his phone and started to put away some groceries that he bought since there wasn't any. Yes, Hoseok cooks. So does Jungkook.

Hoseok then decided to watch some television since he was bored out of his mind. He switched on the TV and turned the volume down. Clicking through the channel to see anything interesting. Until one thing caught his attention.

"Spongebob?! Oh my godeu!" He smiled. Its been so long since he last watched it. So he settled with this. He only smiled or chuckled when some funny scenes happen. Until one really hilarious scene happened. It got him laughing his ass off while rolling on the floor.

"Oh my- Hahahaha... Th-this is- Hahaha... So hilarious. Pffft..." Hoseok laughed, trying to control it. Until Patrick falled on his butt. Hoseok laughed even louder. "Oh hahahahaha..." He laughed.


Yoongi was woken by an angelic yet loud laughter. He rubbed his eyes with his paw and yawned cutely. But in his mind he was thinking, "Who the hell disturbed my sleep?" Yoongi then realised that he was in a unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" He thought. Suddenly, the laughter died down. Yoongi turned human form before heading towards the door. He opened it to see..? He didn't know that mans name. But he can remember that he bought Yoongi awhile back.

Hoseok eyes immediately averted from the TV when he felt eyes on him. "Yoongi? Oh my god! I am so sorry for waking you up. Was I that loud..?" He frowned. Yoongi nodded. Not realising a smile was on his face.

"Awww... You are so adorable when you smile~" Hoseok cooed. Yoongi's eyes widened. His smiled immediately disappeared. "Eh? Why are you hiding your smile? Its beautiful and cute." Hoseok said. Yoongi blushed, "D-do you have food?" He stuttered, trying to avoid that topic.

Hoseok shook his head, "But I can cook, if you want." He smiled. "Go cook now, then." Yoongi hurried Hoseok. "Patience, mister." Hoseok said. "But I am starving. Please. Cook, now." Yoongi whined. And Hoseok gave in. "Alright, alright." Hoseok said, heading to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" Hoseok shouted from the kitchen. "Anything that would be yummy!" Yoongi shouted back. He then sitter on the couch and watched what Hoseok was watching. "Hmm..? What is this show?" He thought.

Yoongi curiously stared at the characters on television. Yes, he had never watched Spongebob. Because he is a hybrid. Not a human. He started to smile when the characters started doing something stupid. "Pfft, that guy just step on poop..."

Soon, the smiling turned into holder back laughter. Until Spongebob started to laugh and Patrick got stung by a jellyfish which caused him to fall on Spongebob and Spongebob called flat on his butt. Yoongi giggled slightly.


Little did he know, Hoseok had already done cooking. He heard holder back laughter and went to the living room to see his cat giggling oh, so adorably. "Awww, he giggled." He cooed in his mind. "Dinner is ready~" Hoseok said. Yoongi was startled and jump a little. Hoseok chuckled.

Yoongi quickly stood up and rushed to the kitchen with his cheeks red and ears twitching cutely on his head. Hoseok followed after. Yoongi looked at the food thirstily, he licked his lips. He settled on one of the chair. With Hoseok sitting beside him. "Thanks for the food."

They then started digging in. "Delicious!" Yoongi thought. He won't say that out though. "Hmm, I don't even know his name..." Yoongi stopped eating. "Should I ask him..?" He thought. "Yoongi? What's wrong?" Hoseok stopped eating as well.

"I was just wondering, what is your... name?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head to the side. Hoseok chuckled, "Hoseok, my name is Hosoek, Jung Hoseok." Hoseok smiled. Yoongi nodded and went back to eating. Hoseok too, went back to eating.


They finished dinner a few moments later. Hoseok did the dishes and Yoongi just sat on the chair. He yawned. "Tired?" Hoseok asked, putting the last plate away. Yoongi nodded. "You want me to shower then we will sleep together?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi blushed. "Together..?" He asked. Hoseok nodded, "I haven't buy you a bed yet. So you will be sleeping with me for a few days." Yoongi nodded. "Go shower, I want to sleep soon." Yoongi yawned, yet again.

Hoseok nodded. He headed off to the shower while Yoongi headed to the bedroom. He checked around the room and saw some photos, drawings and more. "Hoseok draws?" He wondered.

The room had a sky blue colour as wall and ocean blue as ceiling. There was a desk at the corner of the room, a bathroom connecting it. Air conditioner and fan. A Bluetooth speaker on the desk. Along with some paper, pencil and pens. It was casual.

Yoongi continued to check the room until Hoseok came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrap around his hips. Yoongi's eyes widened. He immediately turned away and blushed hard. Hoseok smirked. "Like what you see?" Hoseok teased. Yoongi didn't reply.

"Alright, I was just joking. I just forgot to take my cloths. I will be right back and we will be able to sleep after this." Hoseok said, heading to the closet and taking out some cloths before heading to the bathroom again to change. Yoongi was still blushing though.

"Stupid jerk... He teased me." Yoongi thought. He fell on the bed and covered his fave with a pillow before groaning. He then heard the bathroom door opening. His surrounding became dark after awhile. He could feel another body weight on the bed.

"Is he really asleep?" Hoseok said. Yoongi pretended to snore. "I guess so." Yoongi heard. The air conditioner on. And then he felt a blanket over himself. A little bit of fidgeting amd then there was silence. Yoongi peeked slightly. Hoseok's eyes was close.

Yoongi then turned, so that his favce wasn't facing the pillow. "So you weren't asleep?" Hoseok whispered. Yoongi yelped and looked at Hoseok. "You were awake?" Yoongi asked. "I asked you first." Hoseok chuckled. Yoongi nodded slightly.

"Alright then, let's sleep. Yoongi-ah." Hoseok mumbled. Yawning slightly. Yoongi nodded again before closing his eyes. His tail wrapping around his owner's waist securely. Ears twitching slightly before coming to a stop.

Hoseok stared at Yoongi for while. "Well, isn't he beautiful?" He thought. His eye lids slowly got heavy. The last thing Hoseok heard was soft cute snores before he drifted to dreamland with Yoongi. Both of them had a small smile on their faces.

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