On A Date

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(Warning! Not smut you pervs. But extremely cheesy. I think.)

It's been a week since they were well... You could say dating. What Taehyung found out was that Jungkook was actually such a big tease. Taehyung blushes at least 50 times a day.

Jungkook woke up finding the space beside him empty. He sat up and yawned. "Where did Taehyung go?" He stood up and went out of their bedroom. Their.

"Taehyung? Where are you?" Jungkook shouted as he headed downstairs. "In the kitchen!" A voice that was no longer foreign to Jungkook was heard coming from the kitchen.

Jungkook smiled and headed towards the said area. Seeing Taehyung there cooking, he back hugged him. Earning small yelp from the said person.

"Kookie! Let go! I am cooking our breakfast." Taehyung screamed. "Nope." Jungkook said childishly. "But I'll burn our breakfast!' Taehyung stated, "Let go, Kookie-ah."

Jungkook pouted but let go. "What are you cooking anyways?" He asked. "It smells really deliciously." Jungkook said, licking his lips. "I cooked some usual breakfast consisting of pancakes and scrambled eggs." Taehyung smiled.

"Pancakes~" Jungkook cheered. Taehyung giggled. "Yeah... Here, have some first, if you need more. There's more!" Taehyung smiled before putting the apron he was wearing away.

Jungkook pretended that he was totally not turned on by seeing Taehyung wearing that apron and digged into the breakfast. "Its delicious!" He exclaimed with his mouth full.

Taehyung laughed as it sounded more like. "Ish dewishes!" Taehyung continued laughing, "Thanks Kookie. But maybe next time, don't talk with your mouth full." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook swallowed the food in his mouth and chuckled slightly mumbling a "Sorry." And sticking his tongue out. Taehyung sighed at his master's playfulness.

"Can I have another plate? Pretty pwease." Jungkook did his best aegyo because he loves pancakes too much to atop eating it and that Taehyung's pancakes were the best pancake he has ever tasted.

"A-alright. Stop aegyoing." He stuttered, blushing. Jungkook chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness while Taehyung went to get him another plate.

After breakfast, they were seating at the couch. "Tae, let's go on a date." Jungkook stated suddenly. "Eh? Why all of a sudden?" Taehyung asked.

"Its boring to just stay at home all day. Why? Don't you want to go out?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with puppy eyes. Taehyung hurriedly said.

"No! I was just wondering why all of a sudden. But we could go out to a place if you want to." Taehyung smiled. "Then... Where should we go?" Jungkook asked. "I should be asking you," Taehyung giggled.

"You suggest a place!" Jungkook said. Taehyung thought for awhile, "Hmm... What about the amusement park?" He suggested with his eyes sparkling. "I heard from Yoongi hyung that there was really fun when Hoseok hyung brought him there."

"Alright then. Let's go change." Jungkook smiled. "You change first!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly. Jungkook chuckled and nodded before leaving to change.

"Are you done, Tae?" Jungkook shouted slightly from downstairs. After awhile, Taehyung rushed down. Jungkook's mouth went agape after seeing him. He wore a pair of oversized shirt which caused his shoulder to be exposed.

A pair of tight jeans and to complete of his look, he wore a pair of black converse. Taehyung looked at Jungkook whom mouth was agape. "What's wrong? Does the outfit not fit me? Should I change?" Taehyung asked.

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