An Inner Fate

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Shielding my eyes  in the dust cloud, I make my way through the cloud to see what's going on. Once out of the dust cloud, I raise my M4A1 up to see George and Abby standing there in front of me again. "let's keep moving, we're burning daylight, we have to evacuate the city before more get injured. And soldier, keep up." George commanded, then started heading deeper into the city. People were screaming, crying, and trying to escape this place of pure terror. In the distance, I saw a woman and her young daughter trapped underneath some rubble, and I went over and lifted the rubble that was on them. As I was comforting them, a huge throwing knife went past me, and stabbed the woman in  the chest. I raised my rifle and shot the terrorist in the throat, and more appeared behind him. I yell out to everyone else to get down, as I fire my rifle into the terrorists. I hide behind a broken wall and took cover as they returned fire. I reload my rifle, and poke my head out to see how many there were, and as soon as I poke my head out, a bullet whizzed past me. I pull the pin of my frag grenade, and throw it at the terrorists. Once the explosion sounds, I stand up and fire at the retreating terrorists. George and Abby ran past me with their swords drawn and intercepts the retreating terrorists, and I covered the other end of the alleyway. "Stop right there! You have nowhere to go, you're surrounded." I yelled out to them. "Oh we'll stop, but you better get moving, because those revenants hate people like you. They want to see these realms, and all of the populations suffer their wrath." Suddenly a portal opens up, and a swarm or gargoyles fly out with revenant archers on their backs, and after them came an army of revenant enforcers. "Aw hell" I say  to myself. I start shooting at the gargoyles, while George and Abby climb to the roof of a building. I looked up to see them hopping from rooftop to rooftop. They were throwing kunais at the gargoyles. We take out most of the revenants when a huge beast comes through the portal and lets out a roar, and wields a huge battle ax. I focus my fire at the beast, but I'm almost out of ammo. I continue to fire, but then there was a group of attack VTOL s that flew overhead and circled around to come back and started firing at the giant beast. While it's distracted, I head around and start evacuating civilians to the evacuation helicopters. When I looked up at George and Abby, I now see that they have jumped onto gargoyles and hijacked them, and took the archer's bows, and were shooting at the army. I then see them dive down to the beast and started circling it. George flew down and picked me up, and headed to the beast, and we both jumped off onto it's shoulders, and we pulled out our knives, and started stabbing the throat of the monster. I notice that the VTOL fleet are getting their turrets ready to fire. Me and George slide down the monster's arm, and slid down it's legs, and the turrets begin to fire. I run at my fastest, then Abby swoops down with her gargoyle and picks up George, and the gargoyle picks me up, in it's claws, and drops us off on top off a roof. We all look down to see the beast get filled with bullets, but it stays on it's feet, and runs over to where the fleet is, and swings it's ax and takes down a ship, but is then brought to it's knees. Abby mounts her gargoyle and swoops down to the beast and she lands on it's back, and stabbed a certain part of it's back, a weak spot, and quickly gets on her gargoyle and started flying towards us. The monster stands up, and starts yelling and shaking. It falls on the floor and lets out a final yell, then it explodes, and Abby was knocked off of her gargoyle. George pulls out a gadget and jumps off the building and races down to where Abby is, and catches her, and throws down his gadget. A huge net opens, and four harpoons shoot out and stab into some buildings and they both land inside of the net. "Hey soldier, jump down!" George yells to me. I got ready to jump. I jumped off, and fell eight stories down and land safely on the net. We get down to ground level and watched as the retreating revenants were all crowding into the portal, as they are being mowed down by the fleet of ships. After this, another evacuation  chopper comes down to pick up the rest of the civilians, as well as me, George, and Abby. "Hey recruit, where have you been? And where's the rest of your squad? And who are these two?" Said the pilot, "Well me and my squad were separated when a building collapsed, me and a few others were traveling down the streets and those terrorists were waiting for us. They killed everyone except me. And these two, they are like ninjas or something, whoever they are, they must have extraordinary skill. They saved me, they have protected me.

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