New Clans

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We crash landed, miles away from the outskirts of New Alexandria, into a large plain of grass. We all came back to consciousness, and looked around the destroyed vehicle we were in. I unlatched my seat belt, and opened the supply case, to get a first-aid kit and a rifle. I pushed the emergency door opening system, and the door decompressed and popped off of the hinges. When we all got out, we saw that there was a battle going on between two brotherhoods of assassins, that have been rivals for the past twenty years. They pulled their weapons out and attacked each other, fighting to kill and trying to best each other in battle. I lifted my rifle towards them and shouted, "Hey! Stand down! IMC, you will be apprehended immediately, now stop fighting." The clans put down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender. "Look, it's the group of the Divine Intervention." Said one fighter, "Yes, they are the one that have survived the deadly hell of Azathoria and New Azathoria!" Said another. "Hey! Why are you fighting here?" Said George, "We are fighting because our opponents have betrayed our grand master's plans." Said one side, "No, we wanted out, but you wouldn't let us!" Said another side. "Alright, alright. Eitherway, we need more help for fighting this war against the demons of New Azathoria, that has taken a grip on the city of New Alexandria. We need your help to win this war." I said to them. The leaders of both clans walked over to me. "We shall relay your decision." They both said, "As long as those other fools don't betray you as well." said one leader, while the other leader looks at him in disgust. "I have a feeling that he won't be betraying anyone." I said. The two clan leaders looked at each other, bowed, and looked at their clans and gave an announcement. "Fellow brotherhood of great assassins, we will not fight each other as long as the others keep their promises. We should try to put aside our pasts, and work on how to fix and preserve our future." Said the clan leader, and the fighters all bowed in agreement, and looked at each other and bowed at each other, raising their swords in the air. We all traveled towards the city, to have a chance of winning this war, given the new force of the resistance. As we came to the outskirts of the city, the robotic figure blocked our path. "The bags of blood and bone! How have you survived? Why won't you die!" said the commander, "The  Guerreros Antiguos, The Ancient Warriors, why have they awaken once more?" said the leader of one clan. "We have been resurrected from the dead, and given this 'body' we have on us now." The warrior then pulled off it's helmet, and revealed a glowing blue skeleton, and it let out a deep, menacing growl. Then, it put it's helmet back on, and pulled out his sword. I raised my rifle and shot at it, and it stumbled back, and everyone just pulled out their weapons and charged at each other. I drew out my sword and charged ahead too, looking for the leader of these  ancient warriors. I saw that he was running and climbing to the top of a rocky structure, and I followed close behind him as he tried to run. I threw a knife at him and it stabbed him in his thigh, which slowed him down enough to catch up and get close. We engaged in combat, on top of the cliff we climbed up and we slashed at each other. We locked swords, just like last time, but now I knew what to do. I wrapped my leg around his, and tackled him to the ground. We both dropped our swords, and we were on the ground punching each other in the faces, and we were rolling closer towards the edge of the cliff we were on. Finally, we grabbed each other and threw ourselves off of the cliff, down into the main fight that was happening. We hit rocky edges on the way down, he turned into his spherical form, but I trapped him in my hands so he couldn't escape me. He turned back into his normal form and we hit the ground. I got up, and I saw he was on the ground, and his helmet had been broken in half, due to the long fall. He turned back into his spherical form and flew at me, and hit me in the face, and pinned me to the ground. Abby ran over to get him off of me, but he just grabbed her around the throat, and threw her aside. I pulled my knife out of his leg and stabbed it into his stomach. I stabbed repeatedly, until it eventually stopped moving entirely. The corpse flopped to my side, and I looked as the glowing mechanical parts faded to black, then an EMP blast shot out and the other Ancient Warriors stopped moving as well. We cheered in excitement, but then the bodies started to make beeping noises, we all ran once we knew what was going on. The armor on the corpses all blew up around us, I ran through the debris and fire that puffed around us, I watched as I saw some of the clan members were caught in the blast. The explosion propelled me forward and I flew in the air, and landed on my side, and rolled 12 meters away.

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