The Alliance

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 I left the building in hopes of finding out where my squadron has gone, but to no avail. No trace of them anywhere. All I saw was destroyed buildings, crashed helicopters and dead civilians and other things. I put on the armor that the old man gave me, and I held the sword tight in one hand, and my shield in the other. I started walking towards the sounds of gunfire and distant screams, when a group of masked men walked behind me. I turned around to look at them. "Who are you? It's not safe out here." I said to them, "We know. We just don't care, for the I.M.C have doomed us all." said one of the masked men, "But who are you?" I said, persistently, "Us? We are just another group of rioters, people you've dealt with before, soldier. I see your little military have joined forces with those revenants, huh? What a shame." They all laughed maniacally. "What do you want? An ass kicking?" I said, "Oh, well well well, we didn't mean to bother you, but since you have brought it up, I guess we can kill you while we're on our mission." Said the anarchists. Then the leader of the anarchist group walked up front, wielding two batons in his hands, and I gripped the handle of my sword tighter. He runs up and swings his batons at me. I block his attacks with my sword, and kick him away. "I don't want to kill you, it doesn't have to go this way." I yelled, "Well why don't you put away that sword." The leader said. I holster my sword and raise my fists. The leader puts away his batons and raises his fists too. He swings at me, and I grab his fist, and I countered his attack. He goes for another swing, and I dodge underneath it, and punched him in his stomach three times and grabbed him around the throat. I put him into a headlock, and I kneed him in the back, and I let him fall to the floor, and kicked him in the face while he was on the ground. The anarchists got angry and were about to run at me, but they were stopped when a group of revenants appeared through a portal. The revenant archers, and warriors, hopped out and attacked the anarchists, yelling and grunting at them in anger. A revenant warrior greeted me, and asked where I had been and that they need assistance. The revenants brought me through a portal to bring me where the battle was happening. The Corporation and The Special Forces had been going at each other. There were many air and ground vehicles fighting each other, and I saw Jack and Jeffrey chasing two other Corporation operatives. During this, the revenants were having a civil war, revenant archers and warriors, vs revenant brutes and skeletal sodiers, and the I.M.C against more groups of rioters. "Soldier, what should we do now?" Said the revenant warrior. "I have an idea... I will assist the Special forces against the Corporation, and you two assist with the I.M.C, and we'll all converge on the civil war." I said. We gave an affirming nod, and we headed off to battle. I had to climb up several floors of buildings to get to where S.F and the Corporation were fighting. On of the operatives have stolen a briefcase from S.F, and now they've been chasing each other from all across the city. I chased after them, having to jump from building to building, and climb flights of stairs. I looked to my left to see an attack helicopter fly overhead, and shoot at Jack. Jack ducked into a building and disappeared in the building, and the helicopter followed him down several floors. Me and Jeffrey were on the two operatives. They jumped onto a sky crane, and ran down the pipes that were hanging from it, and jumped onto the roof below. We followed, and were back on their tail, and we were close enough to attack them. Jeffrey grabbed the guy with the briefcase and hit him with the stock of his carbine rifle, while I attacked the other operative. I punched the opponent, and I withdrew my combat knife and I cut him. He tackled me, and we tumbled off of the building, and landed on balcony. He kicked me into the door, and I grabbed him around the throat and slammed him against the door. I wound up, and I ran and kicked him straight through the door. He busted through the door, and tumbled down the door. He got up and ran towards me, and I stabbed him through the ribs, and punctured lungs so he couldn't breathe. I lifted him up by the neck, and threw him off of the balcony. He landed onto a car and died on the spot. I ran up the stairs, to the roof to see Jeffrey still in combat. I ran to him, but was distracted by the attack chopper facing directly at me. I turned around and took cover behind a wall. I pulled out my rifle, and aimed up at the helicopter, and shot at the windshield. "Shit! They have bulletproof glass." I said. The sounds of the bullets flying past me, and sound of bullet casings hitting the ground made me remember the day my mother  died. I tuned the thought out of my head, and I ran out of cover, and hung over the ledge of the building, and shimmied around and got away from the helicopter. I felt around my combat vest, and found a single grenade. I looked for a weak spot on the chopper. "The engine vents." I thought. I pulled the pin, and took aim. I threw it, and heard the clanking of the grenade go inside the helicopter. The chopper blew up and spiraled out of control, and headed towards Jeffrey. "Look out!" I yelled. Jeffrey kicked his opponent in the face, took the briefcase, and jumped towards me. 

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