A Turn For The Worse

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As I hid behind cover from the onslaught of projectiles flying at us, I looked to see a Vertigo flying in with special units on board. The got out and hauled something from the cargo bay of the ship. "What's going on? What's that thing you are hauling over?" I said to the spec ops unit, "We've been given a general order. We don't need this city anymore. The longer we're here, the bigger chance of losing this war." He replied, "So we're just going  to bomb this place?" I said, "Affirmative. That's what we're to told to do." Another unit told me. I nodded and watched as they crept around the side, "Trooper! We could use another person here to scout for any dangers." said a Spec ops unit. "Right, got it." I replied. I went over to assist without getting shot and led from the front. I looked at the city, and looked over the crumbled builings and deceased revenants and soldiers as well as crashed vehicles. Then I noticed a pickup truck that has enough space to fit the bomb on. "Hey, can we use this truck to haul this faster?" I recommended. They agreed and we put the bomb into the back and we drove off. I looked out the window to see the battle raging on, when I looked behind to see a pack of those giant wolf things with brutes on their backs, tailing us from behind. When I saw the them, the brutes let out a growl and lifted their war hammers. The brute in the back lifted up a weapon towards us, and started shooting at us, it shot giant spikes out at us. One of the spikes hit a Spec ops unit that was sitting next to me, I tried to remove the spike, but one it enters the body it splinters out and latches onto the surround body tissue. I rolled down the window and leant out with my rifle and shot at the brutes, the spikes just grazing past my face. One of the brutes threw an explosive at us, and it landed just up the path from us and it blew up the bracing of a building in front of us, causing the building to collapse. The driver floored it, and we barely  just made it, and I could hear the building scraping against the roof of the truck. We continued driving through the thick layer of dust, when a piece of a building landed in front of us. The driver tried to turn, but we ramped off of the piece, and we rolled several times and skidded on the roof to a stop. I looked out to see the warhead of the bomb we were transporting sitting beside us, and it has fallen off of the missile. I turned to everyone that was in the car, but they were all killed in the crash. I tried getting out, but I couldn't move. I looked down to see a piece of metal, that has stabbed straight through my leg, and pinned me to the seat. I looked to the front of the pickup truck to see the fuel leaking onto the ground, and everyone in the vehicle, then I saw a small flame start up. I was panicing, and tried yanking the metal out of me so I could escape, but that didn't work out. I saw the flame grow in size, and I grabbed my knife, and cut out the piece of the seat so I could get away from the truck. I picked up the warhead, and limped away from the truck. I ducked behind some debris, and I heard the truck explode, and pieces of metal shot past me, stabbing into the cover I was hiding behind. I focused on the metal that was stuck in my leg, and I looked into the building I was hiding in front of, and found a first-aid kit inside. I checked all the taps in the building, and found one that worked. I put hot water in a bucket, and opened the kit. I sat down and used the numbing cream, and pain killers. Then I grabbed the piece of metal, and yanked at it, and it slid a couple centimeters out. I pulled again, this time, pulling the whole thing out. I quickly put anti-septic on it, and bandaged the wound. I tried walking around, but I can only limp around. I looked around, and realized that my rifle was forgotten in the explosion, so now I have to resort to my pistol and combat knife. I looked at the warhead that I've recovered. "So this is the thing that will level this city completely." I said to myself, then I heard a brute's growl, and I quickly looked for a place to hide. I looked out of the window and saw a bridge that I can use to move from this building to the adjacent office building. Walking across the bridge made it start to collapse, I moved across with caution, trying not to break the bridge. Once I made it to the office, the bridge platform crumbled. I heard the building's truses creaking from the other building. I stopped inside of the break room, and sat down on a chair. I checked my ammo, "Full mag of 12. Seven more mags left." I said to myself. I heard the elevator stop at my floor, "What the hell? I thought these didn't work anymore." I said, and when the doors opened, all I saw were a bunch of explosives. I sighed once I saw them, "Aw hell."

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