A Secret Weapon

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Jeffrey jumped towards me, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. The helicopter crashed into the Corporation operative, with a loud bang, and the explosion pushed us off the side of the building. I grabbed the edge of the building, just barely hanging onto the edge, and looked down at the fate we could've endured. I climbed back onto the roof and saw the crater that the helicopter made. The building started to shake, and the helicopter sank through the floor and the crater widening towards us. I signal for Jeffrey to follow me, and we quickly ran down the maintenance stairway. I we were running down the stairs when there was a hole that we couldn't go across. I saw another ledge to jump to, and we continued our route. We saw the helicopter crash through the next floor, and we got down from floor to floor by jumping through the hole and landing on the floor below. We still heard the gunfire and screams through the groan of the building's supports. We got to ground level and booked it to where the others were fighting. The I.M.C had finished their fight against the rioters, but the revenant civil war was still occurring. The I.M.C and special forces assisted the revenant warriors in combat. "Uh, guys. What's that coming through a portal?" said a concerned marine. Everyone stopped and looked at the ancient revenant giant, accompanied with many groups of precursors. "My fellow demons and warriors, I have listened to what these gods have said. I want all of my kin to follow my plans." Demanded the giant. All of the revenants didn't understand, and denied his request. "But Lord, us revenants are against the precursors. We will not comply with this folly, we do not follow you no longer!" yelled back a revenant brute, and we all raised our weapons in the air. The giant was not happy with what has gone on. "What? You cannot just stop following my lead, you are my workers!" Yelled the giant. "No, we will not. You 'Great Journey has blinded you. We no longer follow your rule!" Snarled back the brutes. The revenants got into formation, and charged at the giant, yelling and growing in anger. The giant commanded the precursors to fight, while the giant tried to make an escape. One of the marine's fighter jets shot a rocket at the portal and disabled it, stranding the giant in Earth realm. We held off the precursors, whilst the revenants pushed towards  the giant. They began to attack  the giant, and the giant fought fiercely to tear them away, but the revenants proved too plentiful to the giant. The Revenants climbed upon the giant, and they combined their might, and stabbed the giant, piercing it's life force. "No, stop! You can't do this to your own leader! Nooooo!" Yelled the giant, as it fell to it's knees before letting out a cry before all of it's energy was shot into the sky, raining upon the revenants, then the flesh and bones disintegrated into dust, and was blown away. The revenants cheered, and the precursors quickly ran through their portals. I looked down at the amulet that I was holding in my hand, "Time to finish you, and be done with this." I said to myself. A few days later, a new revenant king was elected, and had joined forces with the humans to help rebuilt what was destroyed, and the Special Forces became a new branch in the I.M.C. But there was one thing that has yet to be accomplished, the Precursor alliance.  I linked up with George, and Abby, and I told them what we must do now. "Alright, let's go get those bastards."

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