The Legends Were True...

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Me, George, Abby, Andrew, and Dianna all met up with each other, ready for, what we thought, would be our final assignment. To kill the Precursor queen, and end all threats to humanity. We were ready to defy all odds against us, and I tossed down the amulet, and the portal had been connected. We all jumped through, and prepared for the worse. This realm had a tan fog that spread throughout the land, giant monsters hiding in the pits below, and only one path to the queen. We all ran along the path, fighting off the Precursors to get to our destination. "Soldier, since you are the main hero, I want you to be the one that kills off the queen. For I've done stuff like this all the time, it's time for me to step off of my podium, and you to rise up for humanity." Said George. I nodded and continued forward on the path, and everyone else vanished into the thick fog, holding off the Precursor forces that had been on our case. I came across three tier 3 Precursors. They wore masks that made them look like knights with bright blue, glowing eyes. The middle Precursor stepped forward, "There is nothing for you here, turn back now." Said the leader, "And who might you be to tell me I can't pass here?" I said back, "I am the Warden, and since you want to make this difficult, then let's dual. For I won't back down to  a worthy opponent." Said the Warden, giving the other Precursors a nod to stand down. The Warden jumped down off of his tower, and withdrew his blade. We ran at each other, and swung at the same time. Our swords thundering throughout the realm. We clashed and clashed, countered and blocked, and beat each other, but we still pushed on. I slashed at him, striking him in the chest, which spun him around, and I stabbed my sword between the gaps of his armor. The let out a cry as self-combusted  into dust and energy. I cheered in a sigh of relief, for my body ached with pain. I pushed my way past the Precursors, and into the main cathedral, where the queen rested. I stopped in the main doorway, as George, and Abby ran to my side. "Hey, we'll distract the queen while you compromise that heart." Said George, as he ran  past me and headed towards the queen. The queen let out a high pitched squeal and jumped out of her nest, and crawled along the ceiling. The queen used her spiked tail to attack George and Abby. With one swing, the tail threw George and Abby, back to the stairwell, and they landed with a loud thud on the ground. The queen looked at me, and raised her tail in a defensive position, and I raised my sword, and George and Abby got up, and got into their fighting stance. The queen swung her tail, and I blocked it with my sword, while George  pinned it to the ground, and Me and Abby the tail off. All three of us ran towards the queen, George and Abby threw bladed projectiles to wound the queen while I jumped onto it, and raised my sword over my head. With all of my might, I pierced the queens ribcage with my sword, and I slowly pushed it through the flesh, before it slipped straight into the heart. The queen tossed me off of her, and started shrieking with pain and lights started flashing inside of her body, and we all took cover as the queen exploded everywhere. We started celebrating our victory, but then the realm started to collapse. "We must go. Now! Before the realm fully destroys itself." Said George. I grabbed my sword, and we ran out of t he cathedral, with it collapsing just as we left, and ran down the path. We ran as fast as we could, as the path is crumbling beneath our feet, leaving a massive abyss behind us. We saw Dianna, and Andrew up ahead, and we all headed to the portal. I was trailing behind everyone. The bridge to the portal collapsed and we all had to jump for it. Everyone made it, and I landed on  the edge of the cliff, and the edge crumbled under me, and I fell. I quickly grabbed the edge of the cliff, looking down at the pit below. The giant monster's tentacles, wrapped around me, and started pulling me down. I lost my grip, and was being sucked into the darkness. "No, I'm not losing you!" Yelled George as he yelled and transformed into a mega figure, bearing the ultimate strength. He was half Atherial and half Revenant, with a seam between the two sides going down his body, the mark of a true warrior imprinted on his neck. He jumped off of the cliff after me, and pulled me out of the grip of the monster. He brought me up and into the portal, back to safety. He dropped me to the floor, before turning back into a normal human and kneeling down. "Well, what can I say? This was one hell of a journey for me." He said chuckling. We all attended a party and funeral services that we all mourned the losses of war, and the feeling of peace once more. Everyone had calmed down and recovered from the war. New Alexandria was rebuilt, and the I.M.C has gotten stronger, and all was well.

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