A Buried Secret

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As I began to pick the lock of my cell door, I was waiting and listening to any footsteps that were coming in my direction. Finally, I had picked the lock, and I creaked the door open a tiny bit and looked out in the hallway. "Okay, the hallway is clear." I said to myself, as I slid the door further open for me to get out. After I got out, I crept through the halls and looked for an exit when I came across a balcony, looking over a plaza. I peered at what was going on down there, nothing more than just a bunch of the revenants chatting with each other, and sharpening weapons. As I was about to keep on moving, I saw something in the center of the plaza, a giant object that was hidden underneath a tarp. "What's under there?" I questioned myself, "Whatever it is, it can't be good. So I might as well keep moving." I finished. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and I quickly ran and hid inside of a crevasse in between a boulder and the wall. I listened closely for the footsteps to shoot past me, but they just stopped on the other side of the boulder. I kept quiet, and I heard another revenant call for assistance with something, and whatever was there, on the other side of the boulder left. As I began to sigh in relief, a loud alarm went off, almost deafening me. I quickly got up and ran down the hallway, with my shiv in my hands. "Shit, they must've seen that I wasn't in my cell." I said to myself, then a loud, booming, voice came over an intercom, growling at everyone. "Prisoner 3281, the human, has escaped his holding chamber! Guard the entrances, seal the exits. Whoever finds him, I want you to bring his head to me." Said a revenant chieftain. I picked up speed in my steps, turning corners faster, and gripped my shiv tighter. I saw the exit to a stairwell to the lower floors. I quickly ran down the stairs when revenant prey-hunters stopped me in my tracks. They were thin and tough, their armor had the ability to completely camouflage anyone who wore it. The pulled out short swords and charged at me, growling and screeching at me in high pitched tones. I dodged one of their attacks and ran past them. They turned invisible, but I knew they were still after me. One turned visible, and was crawling on the ceiling after me, and jumped onto my back. I elbowed it in the face and stabbed it in the throat, and I continued running and I saw an exit. When I got close, the door slammed shut and two honor guards stood in front of it, wielding spears at me, and I quickly turned to the right, down another hallway. The prey-hunters were still on my scent, and were getting closer. I ran through a Kyodai konchū (Giant Insect) hive, and the prey-hunters woke up the Kyodai konchū, suddenly I heard a bunch of wings flapping, and they all just flew out of the hive. The giant bugs hurtled towards me, and I quickly ducked into a tiny crawl space that they couldn't get through. I crawled through the tiny space until I reached an opening. When I got outside, I was on a rooftop, looking down at the kingdom.  I saw them pull the tarp off of the object that was in the plaza. Underneath was a crate of some weird technology, then a gigantic walking machine went over them, similar to the ones that came out of the ocean. It then folded its legs and the revenants loaded it onto the machine, and opened up a portal to New Alexandria.

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