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Chapter Thirteen: Wolfsbane

"What're we doing today?" Rebekah asked me excitedly. She set her small backpack down at the base of a tree on the edge of the woods.

"First, we're running a perimeter of the property, then I'm going to show you how to get to the safe house. And maybe, just maybe, we'll dodge some blunt tipped arrows." I told her. She jumped up and down excitedly.

"Did your parents give you any trouble?" I asked her.

"Nope, my stepbrother covered for me, said I was going to go shopping and meet up with him and his friends later." Rebekah replied as she stretched out her arms and legs.

"Stepbrother? I didn't know you had a stepbrother."

"Well, my dad got remarried before this school year started, and we weren't talking at the time, and I just forgot to mention it when we did start talking again." she told me as she pulled her extremely long, brunette hair into a messy bun.

"Funny story, my stepbrother is Clarence." I nearly spat out the water I had been drinking.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "That's horrible."

"Yeah. It was a good thing we kissed before our parents got married. It would have been worse. Just between you and me, the only reason he picks on us is because he's afraid of what his mom will say when she figures out he's gay." she jumped around a little bit to shake out her limbs. "In fact, last year Clarence and Sam had been secretly dating."

"No way, that's not possible." Rebekah nodded. "That little fucker. We'll continue this astonishing conversation later, as we've got some training to get to."

Rebekah nodded again. "Wait, will my hair tie break if I leave my hair up while changing? Or will it leave a miniature ponytail in the hair on my head?" Rebekah asked me.

"I don't know. We'll just have to see." I said with a chuckle. We shoved our clothes into Rebekah's backpack. I closed my eyes, and the pain was there for a split second, and then I was on all fours, next to Rebekah, who was also on all fours.

'Alright, let's get this show on the road.' Rebekah nodded and started off on our perimeter run. The world around us was just a blur of green as we ran. The rushing wind from our speed blew through my fur pleasantly, cooling off my feverish skin. Wolves were naturally warmer than human.

'My hair tie fell out,' Rebekah said sadly. 'That's five I've lost just today!' I rolled my eyes at her.

'Less talking, faster running.' I reminded her. I pushed myself up ahead of her a couple yards and maintained my distance.

'Yeah, yeah. Sometimes I don't like that you're the one who wanted to train me. I feel like we would get along so much better if you didn't act like my coach. If you just were my boyfriend.' Rebekah pouted. I ignored her comment and let her speed ahead of me.

'Wait, I saw something." I skidded to a stop and turned back to the white blur. Rebekah thudded to a stop next to me. A furious, uncontrolled growl burst from my throat. There, hanging in the tree, was the head of a wolf.

'Did you know them?' Rebekah asked me. I could tell that she was trying to keep it together.

'Yeah, that was my grandfather.' I told her. I turned to continue, but Rebekah stayed rooted to where she was standing.

'Michael?' she said. I turned around again. She was staring at it, she hadn't even turned to talk to me.


'What kind of arrows do hunters use?' she asked.

'Black shaft, black feathers, silver tip coated in a wolfsbane poison.' I walked up to her. 'Why do you ask?'

'Because my dad has arrows exactly like those in his office. He keeps it locked, but I went inside once when I was nine. He had a mounted wolf head on the wall, with an arrow like that one pinned to the wall underneath it.' she told me.

'We have to get back home, now.' I said urgently. Rebekah and I took off, straight through the forest, as fast as possible. I made sure Rebekah was in front of me, her white mass blocked by mine from behind. She fell to the ground with a yelp, and crashed into me. I shook my head before standing. I waited for Rebekah to get up, but she didn't.

'Come on, we've got to get home. They're closing in.' I told her. She whimpered and tried to pushed herself off of the ground.

'I can't, they got me in the leg with one of those stupid arrows,' she said. 'Go, I'll be right behind you.'

'Beck, I'm not leaving you.' I told her. I heard rustling in the bushes. They were here.

'Fine, but I can't run. This is just going to get us both killed.' she said. I helped her off of the ground and helped her run as fast as she could without using her left hind leg. 'How much...... farther?' she panted out.

'Couple more yards, you can do this, love. I've got you.' we burst through the trees just as they shot another arrow at us. They never dared go out of the woods. We could easily rip them apart if they weren't hiding in the trees. Rebekah nearly collapsed as soon as we got through to our clearing.

'Beck, we've got to make it inside.' she whined, but let me drag her up to the house. I changed back and opened the door for her. Rebekah cried out as soon as she stepped on her leg. I caught her and carried her over to Charlie, who was making dinner.

"Charlie, be a dear and clear off the island for me." I said. She pushed everything off and spread out a tablecloth over the island so that Rebekah didn't have to lay down on a dirty counter. "Grab her that antidote, I'll take the arrow out." I told her. Rebekah fought to keep her eyes open.

"This is going to hurt, love." I told her. I put my hand on her leg around where the arrow had pierced her flesh. I gripped the arrow around the shaft and yanked it out as hard as I could. Her scream was even worse than when she change on her first full moon. She grabbed ahold of my hand and I let her squeeze it as hard as she wanted.

"Beck, this is going to hurt even worse." Charlie warned her. "Alright, one, two , three." Charlie poured the small vial of antidote on her puncture. A blood curdling scream ripped through Rebekah as the antidote burned away the poison inside her leg. Her grip on my hand was so tight she nearly broke all my fingers. She let go as soon as it stopped. Gasping for air, Rebekah closed her eyes and muttered curses.

"Now all I've got to do is stitch it up and wrap it. Stitches just feel like getting poked lightly compared to what you just had to go through." Charlie told Rebekah.

Rebekah laughed a breezy, out of breath laugh. "Yeah, no kidding." Charlie had Rebekah sit up and bend her leg so it was on the island. She held my hand this time too, but mostly just because she wanted to.

"Alright, now we've got to tell you some shit that you're not going to like," Rebekah said once she had hopped off of the island.

"We were running the perimeter of the property for Beck's training and as we passed over the South-Eastern border, I noticed something. We circled back and it was Grandpa's wolf head, hanging on the trunk of a tree. We started to head home, and then one of them shot Rebekah. We barely made it back in time." I told Charlie.

"I saw who shot me." Rebekah said.

"You did? Who was it?" Charlie asked her.

"It was my dad."

A/N ooooooh more twists yay

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