Waiting for the Day you can Come Home

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Chapter Sixteen: Waiting for the Day you can Come Home

We sped past trees and bushes, each forest plant a blur of green or brown. I kept glancing towards Rebekah who was having the time of her life, just running around and enjoying being outside. 'This feels so nice,' Rebekah sighed. 

'We should keep moving around, in case someone's following us.' Aaron suggested while we were drinking from a small, ice cold stream. 'C'mon guys. Let's go.' Rebekah grudging followed us away from the stream. We jogged away, back towards the safe house. 

Animals of the forest surfaced from their hiding places as we kept quiet. Little bunnies snuffled around, moose treaded over their precious grasses. Birds flew right above our heads as we continued trodding around the forest. 'It's so peaceful out here," Charlie said in awe. A squirrel hung from the trunk of a large oak tree and stared at us with it's black beady eyes. 

'I want to stay out here forever,' Rebekah admitted. Trees swayed with the cool wind, leaves ruffled a beautiful melody as the breeze blew through them. Bugs clicked as their searched for food, birds squawked as they flew above us, deer shuffled around with their spotted fawns, moose craned their huge necks and bumped their antlers against bushes and small trees. Other wolves watches us as we went, threatened by how big we were compared to them. 

Wolverines ran around under the brush at our feet while we continued on our way slowly, still looking around and observing everything around us. Light filtered through the high branches of the trees overhead and beamed down on our fur, warming the skin underneath. 'Oh god that feels nice,' Aaron sighed out as he stood under the spot of sunlight. Charlie and Rebekah joined him in the spot of sunlight. They sighed in relief of the light warming them. I huffed lightly before trodding over and joining them underneath the sunlight. 

'Alright, who wants to do something other than walk around?' Charlie said to everyone. 

'What could we do?' Rebekah asked her. I moved out of the spot of sunlight and immediately shivered from the lack of warmth. 

'We could chase each other, we could hunt, we could train, we could race, we could...." Charlie trailed off. 

'Why don't we play a little game." I suggested. "The object of the game is to gather as many pebbles as possible. You have to hide the pebbles so your enemies don't take them from you. The wolf with the most pebbles wins." I told them. 

'Sounds like fun. Can you fight off your enemies if they're after your pebbles?' Charlie asked. 

'I guess so, yeah.' I answered. 'Let's play then.' We all galloped away from each other, in search of pebbles. 


'Hah! I win!' Rebekah announced as she pranced around Charlie, Aaron and me. 'You guys didn't even have a chance! You should have seen your faces when I stole your piles, god it was priceless.' 

'How did you even sneak up on us like that?' Aaron asked her. She smirked at him. 

'I have my ways. Anyway, so now what do you want to do?' We all shrugged our shoulders. The sun was just starting to move slowly downward towards the horizon. The sky was a mixture of pretty oranges and red and yellows. 'Why don't we just head back? The sun is going to set soon.' 

'But I want to stay out here longer,' Charlie whined. 'Can we stay out for the sunset? It's going to be so pretty.' 

'If you think we're safe enough.' I said. Charlie grinned and hopped around excitedly. 

'We've been fine all day. We're definitely safe enough.' she said. 

'Alright then, why don't we find a nice spot to watch the sunset?' Aaron suggested. We scrounged around for a good open spot to watch. Charlie found a cliff of a sort that was above the trees. We climbed up and sat down at the top, waiting. 

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