Another Werewolf

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Another Werewolf

Alice opened the door for me and I pranced inside. Jace clung to my fur before hopping off of my back and standing, waiting for Blue or Alice to pick him up. Alice scooped him up and started down the stairs. "And who's this?" Charlie asked excitedly. Jace grinned at her.

"Blue?" Charlie gasped out.

"Oh my god, Charlie!" Blue bounded down the stairs and hugged Charlie carefully. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"It seems like you got out too, huh?" Charlie asked her. Blue have her a sad look.

"Had to have Sam put him down?" She asked. Blue nodded.

"Did he deserve it?" A girl that we had met today asked.

"Yes, he did." Blue assured her. The girl gave her a weary look.

"Michael, why don't you go change." Alice said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine, you want me to come with you?" She patted my head and pushed passed me gently as she started down the stairs to our room. She pushed the door open for me and I pranced inside.

"Y'know, it's kind of unfair how big you are compared to me," Alice pouted as I went over to the dresser. "You're like three times my size."

"You were bitten, right?" I asked her as I gathered some clothes to put on. 

"Yeah," she replies.

"I was born a wolf. And all my ancestors were  Alphas." I told her. Her eyebrows knit together adorably.

"So you're an Alpha?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't lead this pack, if that's what you're asking. Charlie and I call the shots most of the time, but we do ask everyone in the pack on important decisions." I told her.

"Would you ever consider being the Alpha?" She asked. I turned back around, my shirt in my hands. Alice was sat on the edge of the bed, her hands tucked under her legs.

"If the pack needs one specific leader, yeah. But I feel like Alex would have a go at being Alpha, and I really don't want to have to kill him over a power struggle." I said. Alice frowned.

"Is that what happens when two potential Alphas fight? One kills the other?" She asked.

"Yes, you can only take another Alpha's position if you take his life." I told her. She frowned again.

"What if you and the Alpha agreed that no one should have to die? Could you get away with not having to kill?"

"I guess, but no pack has ever done that before." I told her. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We could be the first." She said with finality.

"Again, that's if our pack even needs an Alpha, and I don't think we'll ever need a proper Alpha. And if we ever do, I'm sure that Alex and I could make an agreement that would not result in us fighting to the death." I told her.

Alice got up and put her arms around my neck. I grasped her waist gently and pulled her closer. "Does that mean I'd be Luna of the pack?" She asked, an eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"If even it didn't, you'd still be a Luna to me." Alice blushed and pressed her lips to mine in a sweet kiss.


"Aren't you excited to go home?" Charlie asked me, a large grin on her face.

"I'm excited to show Alice," I said. She smiled up at me. I squeezed her waist gently.

"I'm glad to get out of the safe house. It was extremely crowded." Alice admitted. We had run out of room when Blue and Jace moved in. So we decided that Aaron, Sam, Charlie, Alice and I would move into the house and Rebekah and Alex would keep an eye on our new pack mates back at the safe house.

Aaron pulled onto the dirt path to our house. Alice beamed at me before turning to the window. "It's so beautiful," she gushed, staring at the green of everything.

Aaron parked in front of the house. I helped Charlie out of the car and into her wheelchair. Aaron and Sam pushed her into the house. Alice stared up in awe. "It's a really big cabin." She said.

"There are so many windows, it's so open." She commented as we made our way to the front door. I held it open for her. She stepped inside and stopped.

She stared at the high ceiling and beautiful wooden rafters. I plopped down on the familiar couch. "Feel free to look around," I told her. Alice spun off in the direction of the kitchen and library. I heard her squeal excitedly and decided to join her.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE SO MANY FUCKING BOOKS!?" She exclaimed. I chuckled at her.

"Charlie taught literature at my high school, she liked to take books from the library there or other teacher's classrooms." I told her. I watched as she roamed around the bookshelves.

"I see you have a favorite spot," she pointed over to a window seat.

"How could you tell that I like that spot?" I asked her. She grinned and pointed at my sweater I had left there.

She sat down on the window seat and patted it, telling me to sit next to her. I pulled her closer to me by my arm around her shoulders. She messed with a bracelet on her wrist. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Do you think after this whole thing with Jared is over, we'll finally get a break?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I think we will." I told her. I wasn't quite sure she had believed me, but she didn't ask me again.


A car pulled noisily into the driveway, and soon after another act pulled in. Rebekah, Alex and Actaeon bustled inside. Charlie looked slightly overwhelmed.

"I heard my dad was coming to help you, and I hadn't seen him in a while," Rebekah explained. Alex looked frightened at the prospect of Rebekah's father.

"And who's this?" Actaeon asked Rebekah. She awkwardly looked between the two of them.

"I'm Alex, sir. It's nice to meet you." He told him. "I'm her mate."

Actaeon raised an eyebrow and let go of Alex's hand. "Rebekah, I need to speak to you. By my car. Where I keep lots of weapons specially made for killing werewolves." He said, emphasizing each sentence. Alex gulped as Actaeon and his mate left.

"ANOTHER WEREWOLF?!" Actaeon shouted once Rebekah and him were outside. Alex flinched noticeably.

"Dude, you are so screwed," Alice told him.

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