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This chapter is dedicated to TheQueenOfMaddness for commenting and encouraging me to update.

"You comin' to the boardwalk with me?" Michael asks as he puts on his shoes.
"Sure." I tell him, walking away from his door to my own room.
I get dressed, then stop when I see a slip of paper stuck under my now closed window. I walk over and grab it as I glance around my room.
Meet me under the pier.
I smile and quickly finish getting ready.
Mike knocks on my door before opening it. "Ready?"
I grin and nod. "Yep."
When we get to the boardwalk, I tell Mike that I would meet up with him later and head to the pier.
I start smiling as soon as I see the shadowed figure leaning on a post under the pier.
"Angel!" I exclaim, running up to him.
He lifts his head and smiles at me. I collide with him and we hug.
"So grown up." He murmurs before letting me go.
I grin. "You haven't changed a bit."
He laughs.
"So what did you need?" I ask as we sit in the sand.
He sighs. "We need to talk."
I laugh, but immediately stop when he doesn't laugh with me. "You're serious."
He nods and hangs his head a bit.
"What exactly about vampires did you want to talk about?"
He looks at me. "Me."
My eyes widen in shock. "You... You mean... "
He nods.
"But... how?"
He chuckles. "That's a long story."
I nod. "So why tell me now?"
"There are vampires in town and I was worried that you'd get mixed up with them."
I turn to face him fully. "Do you know who they are?"
He shakes his head. "I only know that they go by the Lost Boys."
I gasp and my eyes widen. "No."
His head whips towards me. "You know them?"
I nod, my lip trembling. "I- I met them last night."
He pulls me to him and presses a kiss to the top of my head. "I'm sorry."
I shake my head. "They won't hurt me."
He looks down. "Are you sure?"
I shrug.
"I'm going to talk to their head tonight." He tells me. "I'll make sure you're not touched."
I sit up . "No. I want to hang out with them. If you tell their head to not hurt me, they'll leave me. I don't want them to leave me, Angel."
"Please, Dad."
He face softens and he sighs. "Okay."
I kiss his cheek. "Thank you."
He smiles. "Yeah, yeah. Go have some fun. I'll be around."
I nod. "See you later, Dad."
I hug him before getting up and making my way to the boardwalk.

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