Not You Too

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A/N: To all of you who have been waiting so patiently, here is an update! I hope to update regularly until this story is done, which will probably be only a few more chapters. Thank you to all of the people who have voted so far for this story even though I've been slacking.

David's grin is all the reassurance I need to tell me that my choice was the right one.

I giggle when the other three, who had apparently been eavesdropping, just about tackle me.

"Let's go make Kiri one of us, boys!" David yells, making the boys cheer. He helps me back onto his bike and takes off.

To my surprise, we don't go back to the boys' lair, but instead to this house a short ride from the boardwalk.

"Where are we?" I ask David as we pull up in front of a gate that leads to a bridge of sorts.

"We're having our head turn you. That way if I die, you won't."

I whimper at the thought of him dying which causes him to stroke my hand that's resting on his abdomen.

"Relax, Majesty. That's not happening any time soon."

I nod and sigh, giggling when he pulls my hand up and kisses it. He then helps me off before climbing off himself. When then walk up the bridge and up to the head who is waiting for us. My eyes widen when I see Max stand there and then I smile when I see Angel.

"Angel!" I exclaim, running over to him.

He smiles as I hug him, kissing the top of my head. "Hello, Kirianna."

I smile as I step back. "What are you doing here?"

"Giving you a second option."

I tilt my head, confused. "What?"

"You can be turned by Max or by me. I should warn you that it would be easier on you if you were turned by Max. But I still wanted to give you the option."

I nod. "Thank you. That means a lot."

"So what is your decision, Kirianna?" Max asks me.

I look at Angel and smile apologetically before turning to Max. "I would like for you to do it."

He smiles. "Alright."

He picks something up from the banister near him and when he brings it into the light, I see that it's a bottle like the one David has in the boys' lair.

David takes the bottle and hands it to me after uncorking it. "Be one of us, Majesty."

I lift the bottle and take a mouthful, relishing in the buzz it sends through my body when it goes down. The boys whoop and holler making me smile once David takes the bottle back from me.

"Let's celebrate!" David says making me giggle when he kisses my cheek.

"Be careful, Kirianna. Don't get killed." Angel says.

I give him a look. "Very funny."

He smiles. "Thank you. Now, I have to go. Have fun and don't die."

I smile at him before he walks off and does his disappearing act. Turning back to David, I grin. "You said something about celebrating?"

Celebrating with the Lost Boys was nothing new, except the experience was now mindblowing for me. I felt things that I hadn't felt the last time I was with them, things that made me feel alive. We didn't go back to the cave for whatever reason, but instead spent our time out and about, partying and causing havoc.

The celebration ends when I begin to yawn, immediately making me pout as I didn't want to leave the boys yet.

"Looks like we need to get you home, Majesty. You're still part human after all. No way you could keep up with us all night."

Kiri glares at Paul for his comment and flips him off, prompting him to laugh.

"Alright, alright," David says, grabbing Kiri's hand. "You do need to go home, Majesty. You can come back to us tomorrow night."

I sigh but nod, letting David pull me back over to where his bike was parked. After he gets on, I cling as closely as I can to him, not really wanting to ever let go.

David pulling up near Grandpa's house marks an official end to the amazing night, making me want to pout again. David seems to be able to tell this as I get off because he keeps ahold of my hand.

"Go on inside, Majesty. We'll see you tomorrow night."

I nod then make a surprised noise when he leans in and places a kiss on my lips. The boys let out cheers and I stand frozen for a moment, then giggle.

"See you later, Majesty."

I smile brightly and nod again, waving as they drive off. I then jog over to the driveway and up to the door, taking note that both Mom and Grandpa's vehicles are back in the driveway.

When I open the door, I see Mom walking around tidying up things.

"Kiri! Where were you? Sam was left here all alone and got scared."

I stop and tilt my head in confusion at Mom's words.

Turning to her, I comment, "Mike was here when I left. I wouldn't have left if I knew Sammy was alone."

She sighs. "Yes, well, Mike doesn't seem very trustworthy anymore."

I walk over and hug her. "I'm sorry we put you through so much."

"At least you apologize," Mom comments, hugging me back. "Can you try not to leave tomorrow night? I plan on inviting Max over for dinner."

I smile. "I can stay for dinner, but I made plans for afterward already."

Mom releases me and steps back. "Thank you."

I shrug. "It's the least I can do for making you worry so much."

Walking upstairs, I peek into Sammy's room, almost groaning when I see him with a necklace of garlic on.

"So you know, huh?"

Sammy spins towards me. "Know what? That Mike is a bloodsucking creature of the night?"

I hang my head and walk into the room. "You know that him being a vampire doesn't change the fact that he's your brother, right?"

Sammy sighs and looks down. "I know, I know."

"So if that's your reaction to him being a half-vampire, then what's reaction to me being one?"

Sammy's head snaps up. "Not you, too!"

I grin. "Sorry, Sammy."

He groans and shoves me back out of his room. "I'm done with you bloodsuckers tonight."

He slams the door, making me laugh.

"Goodnight to you, too!"

Majesty ⌈Lost Boys (1987)⌋ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now