Now You Know What We Are

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The rambling in my thoughts don't stop, even when I walk down the road so David and the boys can pick me up. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I almost miss them pulling up next to me, though I'm still dazed even when they stop and David gets off his bike to approach me.

When he realizes that I'm not really paying attention to him, David waves a hand in front of my face to break me out of my reverie.

Snapping my head up, I smile. "Sorry. Hi."

Paul leans forward, placing his arms on the handles of his bike. "You alright, Majesty? You look stoned."

I giggle. "I'm fine, just thinking."

"Don't think so hard. It's not a good look on you." David comments, smirking.

"What isn't? Thinking?" I grin and wrap my arms around his waist. "I thought you would like a smart girl. If dumb is your type, I'm afraid you and I aren't compatible."

Leaning down, David murmurs, "You're my type."

"Lame!" Paul calls out while the other boys laugh.

Ignoring him, David pulls me over to his bike and, like usual, gets on first before helping me on.

"What are we doing tonight?"

David shrugs, "Partying til dawn."

I grin. "Sounds like fun."

Our night of partying starts by hanging out on the boardwalk. We don't do much, just hang in a group and mess around. For the Lost Boys, this is a relatively calm night.

Well, it was until Mike showed up.

Storming up, he shoves me and Marko to the side, almost knocking Paul off of the railing, and grabs David. David, unbothered, blows his cigarette smoke in Mike's face before chuckling.

"Where is she?" Mike demands.

"Take it easy, Michael," David says, dodging the question.

"Where's Star, David?" Mike demands again.

"Michael, if you ever wanna see Star again, you better come with us now."

David and the boys then leave the boardwalk, Mike and I following, Mike a little more reluctantly than me. The boys hop on their bikes, David holding a hand out to help me onto the back of his. I glance at Mike then take David's hand get on his bike. Mike gets on his bike, all the while glaring at David.

When the boys finally stop, we're in some remote part of Santa Carla that I've never seen in the week that I've been here.

The Lost Boys immediately get off their bikes and run over to climb a tree sitting not far from where we had stopped.

Holding back, I glance at Mike, unsure whether I wanted to leave him alone.




"I said don't, Kiri."

Knowing that trying to talk to him right now was a losing battle, I take a second to take in my surroundings. The first thing I notice is the faint music coming from beyond the tree and the flickering light that was most likely coming from the bonfire associated with the music playing.

Curious, I walk closer, to the tree, paying no mind to David and the boys laughing in the tree. Peeking around the tree, I see that there is indeed a bonfire, as I had guessed, with a stereo near it that was playing the music I had heard. Surrounding the bonfire were a bunch of guys drinking and dancing.

Majesty ⌈Lost Boys (1987)⌋ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now