Do You Think The Worst Person Can Change? I Think Not...Or Maybe?

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"So you're all here? Wonderful :)" Chara said having a huge smirk on her face as she played with her knife.

"I gotta say you guys must be SO determined just to get all of your friends and siblings back huh?" Bipper said laughing a bit.

"Give me back my brother's body Jerk!" Mabel said gesturing her finger to Bipper.

"Oh,but why would he ever do that? Do you really think we would give it to you that easily?" Mewberty Star said.

Bipper stood up and went near six of them....

"How about we all have a deal?" Bipper asked them

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOPE!!! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE ALL THE NOPE!!!" Marco said raising his hands up.

"Why not wouldn't you like to get your friends and siblings back?" Ice Finn said.

"Okay then...what's the deal about?" Jake asked.

"Well,it's simple...We'll give you all your siblings and friends back IF you give Star all the boys, Chara would be able to possess Frisk whenever she wants,IceFinn wants to get his hands on a princess,Beasty over here wants to I don't know he never told probably the same thing I want...World Domination.." Bipper said

"What?!? Are you crazy we aren't gonna give you any of this things! Most of you guys want The Destruction of Humanity! But we won't give it to you!" Frisk said with all her DETERMINATION!

"Oh...So you're playing the determination game huh? think you're tough and all...But let's face it you're weak and helpless!" Chara said smirking a bit.

Mabel walked back and forth...Thinking of her next move..Would she make the deal or not?

"Mabel,What are we suppose to do?" Greg asked looking at Wirt with sad eyes

"I'm trying to think...I don't know" Mabel said about to cry

"Oh! enough of these shenanigans!" Bipper said using his powers to attack Mabel.

Mabel lied on the ground knocked out.

"Mabel,P-Please...wake up...S-Stop joking a-around.." Greg said with tears starting to form.

Even for a short while Greg already cared about Mabel. When he first met her she acted like a big sister to him when Wirt wasn't around.

Chara looked at Greg and Mabel and remembered a memory.

The memory showed her lying on the bed and saw Asriel crying. 'Chara please...w-wake up....I don't like this plan anymore...' She stared blankly at them.

"You! How Could You!!!" Marco said kicking Bipper in the face

"S-She was your sister don't you feel bad?" Marco said still kicking him.

Bipper dodged every kick
"Feel bad why would I feel bad? She's just another human being that's gonna ruin my plans!" He said with a grin.

But somewhere deep inside Bipper a small part of him felt bad...He didn't want to show it...

Frisk just looked at them and then what she did was call for help....


But nobody came...
Hello my fellow readers! Sorry for actually...Um....updating for like a really long time...Since that school where I'm from is about to start I'll only update about once a week if I can...
Also! The picture up there is just hilarious I didn't have anymore so be prepared for random pictures!

And uh....sorry for my English..It's not really my first language.
Thank you! For the support and reading this book means do much to me!!!!

Anyway here's a random question for you guys:

'Who's your favorite character from Undertale? And why?'

It might be a weird question to ask but I want to know...Chara's my fav...because reasons...Anyway see ya guys soon!

Until next time after I'm done being crushed by the boulders of highschool wish me luck guys!!!!


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