Chapter 1 - [ Kids ]

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"It's finally over!" I exclaimed to myself while happily tossing my un-used books into a box. "High school's finally over!!" Finally able to escape those crappy cafeteria lunches, super long lectures, and shitty people. I could finally avoid seeing that asshole Kim Taehyung every single day. I let out an evil laugh in my room, forgetting that my door was wide open.

"Noona, are you okay?" my 16 years old little brother peeking into the room. "Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor? You have been acting this way after your high school graduation ceremony."

My family doesn't know what exactly happened between me and Taehyung, all they know is that he was once my childhood friend that lives right across from my apartment. Although my parents must have noticed how he never came to play in our apartment anymore after what happened 11 years ago.

He used to be a sweet boy in elementary school, very cheerful, teachers love him and most girls in our class probably had him as their first crush, myself included. Lucky for me, he lives right in across my apartment door. Which explains why we got along so well in the past. We would often have playdates on the weekends and both of us would binge-watch the morning cartoons together or play tag until the both of us pass out on the sofa. He would often flash his signature boxed smile. Bath time and sleepovers were also a thing for us.

Everything changed when he lost his mother in a car crash before his 9th birthday, he didn't cry at her funeral, instead, he is quiet, his eyes turn lifeless and his body turns pale. After that, he never comes over and plays in my place anymore, he stopped talking to me. I tried my best to make him talk because no one in our class dared to get close to him. Even the teachers end up giving up. I even offered him my favorite wooden toy, until he snapped and threw the toy into the ground resulting it to break into pieces. It was just a toy, but to an 8-year old, it was so much more than that.

From then on I gave up trying to talk to him and decide to just ignore him.

Finding myself back in the current time, I let out a long sigh and shook my head from the awful memory. I got up from my bedroom floor full of books and sheets of paper scattered all over. I plop myself into my bed, feeling the clean sheet under me. I find myself recalling my High School years.

Let us go back to the past, the 4 years of nightmares and torture,

It was the first day of being in 9th Grade when Taehyung was placed in the same class as me, because in middle school, somehow I am able to avoid being in the same class as him thankfully. He was the popular one, the handsome one, always surrounded by friends and girls would always give him the special treatment. Girls would be giving him gifts and the guys would treat him as if he is some kind of god. It seemed really ridiculous now remembering how fucked up that is.

I remembered how he suddenly mocked my appearance in front of the whole class when I came up to him to tell him that the teacher came and asked for him. He was of course surrounded by people that crowded his seat, and they were all staring me down as if I'm their food. Taehyung stared me down, judging every inch of me with no sign of warmth from his icy gaze. There was a sudden silence in the room until he finally spoke. He bluntly said 'Ugly, get away from my face. Your face makes me sick.' from then on, just because of that one single, awful, soul-crushing sentence, every single one of my classmates started calling me ugly and every day it would get worse to the point where I had to stay home, from being so mentally and physically tired from being treated like a piece of trash. They would call me names and sometimes I would come home with bruises from getting pushed and shoved around.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now