Chapter 2 - [ Unexpected ]

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The sun is starting to slowly creep into my room as my eyes were forced to open from the harsh sunlight hitting my lids. My head throbbing and the whole world feels like it is spinning. I was trying to reach my head with my right hand when I found the sleeping figure right beside my bed. Y/N. why is she here? I tried recalling what happened last night, but my head ended up throbbing even more. My eyes move across y/n's sleeping face, gulping. This is probably the closest I've ever been to her.

Her phone decides to ring out of nowhere, making me jump from her undeniably weirdest choice of ringtone I've ever heard. Her eyes flickered open to reach out for her bag and quickly rummaging it to find her phone. Her brows furrowed while whispering curses under her breath as she looks at her phone screen, showing the caller.

"Is it your family?" I asked and she flinched as if forgetting that I was here in the room with her. She nodded slightly. "Is your head okay?" she's worried about me?  "Why are you here?" I asked, ignoring her question. "Ah, yeah, sorry about that..." she bit her lips, her eyes pacing on the ground. I hold my hand out, stopping her from speaking. 

Did I have that dream again? Which explains the hand. Ahh... this is so embarrassing. This is nothing new, me dreaming about my mom and holding on to some person who took me home when drunk. Last time it happened, it was Jimin who took me home. He never let me live after that and I had to suffer for 3 whole months! He showed pictures that he took of me holding his hand and showed it to every single girl who went on a date with me. 

"Whatever, you don't need to answer me. Just leave, your existence is making my head worse." I waved her away and placing my other hand on my head. Bless my acting skills, but my head did actually hurt. She gave me a small smile before taking her purse and left my room. I heard the apartment door closing. I expect her to be hurt, to look hurt. But she smiled instead. She freaking smiled at me. She used to be scared of me in High school. 


The afternoon I met up with Jimin in the campus cafetaria, we have been friends since middle school and I should say that he's a cool guy. We went to the same High School and now the same University. Which means, he once bullied y/n too. Though he sometimes told me to stop, I refused to listen to him.

"Oi! Taehyung! Are you ignoring me?" jimin exclaimed with annoyance.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Argh, this dude. I was saying did you meet y/n?"

"Why? Did you see her?" I ask back.

"Well yeah, she is actually in one of my class." Jimin shrugged, stuffing the food that's in his tray.

"So?" I raised one eyebrow, not understanding his intention of telling me this.

"I don't know, I thought you might regret what you did to her back in high school."

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now