Chapter 22 - [ Without You]

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**Special appearance: JUNGKOOK**

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**Special appearance: JUNGKOOK**


"Let me call her!" I growl at Jimin for snatching my phone away. "You need to give her time Taehyung."

"Fuck you, what do you know? I need to call her right now." I need to tell her that I'm sorry, I would do it forever until I have her back, as long as I know she is okay. Fuck, of course, she is not okay. I did such a fucked up thing to her, she deserves to be angry and hurt.

"Taehyung! Don't push it, kid, you know you would only add fuel to that fire." Jin Hyung warns and I groan. Why did I think coming to Jin's place is a good idea? The only thing I get is more headaches from these guys. "Why are you guys not helping me?" I ask the 6 of them irritated that they seem so calm and yet here I am, a wreck.

"You are not even helping yourself Taehyung, calm yourself down, instead of being noisy and tell us why you did that to her in the first place?" Namjoon says and I sit down on the floor.

"I can't tell you..."

Jin sighs, "It's fine if you can't tell us. Do you still want to be with y/n then?"

"Yes, fuck yes." Just tell me how to get her back. Please

"Then I suggest you tell her the truth," Jin says. "You can't lie to her and she absolutely deserves to know what you did."

"I know hyung, I just need to see her first to be able to talk to her. Right now, she won't even reply to my messages and I can't call her either." I frown, feeling hopeless.

"Like Jimin said, you need to give her some time to think about all of this."

"Fine, then how long should I give her time?" I hate being away from her, I realize that now. The moment she left, there is just a huge gap in my chest and it feels so goddamn hollow. I just realized that y/n makes me feel alive, after all these years I thought that my life has gotten better. Well, I sure as hell don't know what a better life is until y/n came back to my life.

"2 days."

"Fine, 2 whole days and that's it. I'm not leaving her alone any longer." As much as I hate not seeing her, I need to at least give this to her. I know she will forgive me, she has to. I'll make her.



Words cannot describe how I am feeling right now. It hurts, yes. But the tears just won't come out. I stare up the blank white ceiling the whole night. Thinking of many reasons why Taehyung would do this to me. I hate him. 

No, actually I don't. 

And this just makes me hate myself more than I already do. Deep down, I want to stay with him and listen to whatever excuse that he got for me back there. I want to know what he has to say, even though it might just be the same bullshit. He doesn't even like you my subconscious tells me and this time she is right. Taehyung doesn't even care about me. All he ever does is hurt me, again and again. Obviously, I didn't learn my lesson from High School. He is a Bully and will forever be one. 

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now