Chapter 9 - [Guilt]

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The air is thick. Taehyung became awfully quiet and the only noise is coming from his spoon touching the plate. "Why?" he asked not meeting my gaze. "Why did you change your mind?". I don't really have a reason for this actually, I know it's weird, I myself don't understand it. I just want to I guess, but I can't admit that to him, he'll freak out. "You were begging me yesterday," I said.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did." I knew he would act this way. Good thing I took that video.

"Well I don't remember so you should probably leave."

"Do you want to see the video for proof?" I wasn't going to show him today because I thought he would remember, but he asked for it. "What?" his eyes wide, "You took a video?". I took out my phone and showed him the video of him doing his 'pledge'. I bit my lower lip to restrain myself from laughing at his reaction from seeing the video. His mouth gaped wide and he is totally at a loss for words. "Now do you believe me?" I raised my eyebrow, his eyes pace from my phone and to me. "You took advantage of me?" he glares at me, but I am far from feeling intimidated. Instead, I was actually amused. Again, what the hell is wrong with me? "You begged me and I can't refuse." I defend. "I was drunk." his voice louder. "Same thing, being drunk just makes you more honest," I said. "You know that is bullshit, I say a lot of shit all the time and not mean it." My face is heating up. Calm down y/n, calm down. Who does he think he is?

"I really don't want to do this now Taehyung. What do you want me to do?" I sighed. "Okay, I guess I was wrong to be taking advantage of you when you were drunk. If you hated me that much to actually be kind enough to cook for you then I'll leave after I put the dishes away."

"I didn't say I hate you." he mutters. I am taken aback by his response. My insides are actually happy, at least, he didn't hate me. I could see Taehyung's cheeks flush in bright pink. He rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair roughly, causing it to scrape against the floor. He grunts, "Just do whatever you want, I don't care." he stomps away back to his room, slamming the door shut. "So does that mean I could be your cook again?" I shouted and I know he could hear me through the door. "I don't care!" he shouts back. My lips curled up from his answer.

I washed the dishes happily humming to the song 'Good Boy' by the one and only G-dragon. I heard the door clicks open with feet walking towards the sofa. I glance at the wall clock above the kitchen counter. 7:20 a.m. I need to get back to my place first to get change before heading to the bus stop. My class doesn't start until 9 today, so I have time. I finish the last plate and untie the apron, hanging it neatly on the oven handle.

My eyes shift to Taehyung on the sofa, still in his sleeping attire. "Do you have class today?"


"What time?" I asked

"8." he answered, his eyes focusing on whatever is on the TV.

"Oh." is the only thing I manage to say. He probably realizes what time is it now right? I dread to not ask him more questions, but I let myself not to this time. I really did not want to argue with him after this morning and I don't think I could take his crude remarks about me right now. "Well, I'm going, there are still some rice and kimchi in the fridge if you are hungry." I tell him and he ignores me. I shrug and walk to the doorway.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now