Chapter 6 - [ Confusion ]

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We are walking towards the bus stop with Taehyung walking ahead of me. I couldn't help but think about what happened at last night's party. Did he remember the kiss? But what if he doesn't? Should I be feeling happy or disappointed? I sighed. Taehyung probably heard my lifeless sigh when he stops walking and glances back at me. "Why are you walking so slow?" he took steps forward, making me step back. A very sly smirk crossed his face as he grabs my wrist. "Let's go somewhere together!" I was startled by his sudden 'wrist grabbing'. 


"Come on y/n. I've been way to diligent since the first day I entered University. I need some fun." He pulled me to walk with him.

"But, I, but we..." just went to a party last night. I know my words won't make him change his mind. I needed some day off too anyways. Yesterday's party was too much for me. "Where are you planning to go Taehyung?" I asked.

"The sea."

"The sea? Sounds good to me." I gave him a smile. I have always wanted to see the sea in winter. His expression partially shocked, he must not have predicted that I would act so obedient. "What?" I asked him as he stared at me weirdly. "Nothing, you're just full of surprises y/n," he said and smirked.

We finally reached the sea, the salty air and the sound of crashing waves calm my mind. Letting all my worries disappear for a while. Since it's winter, there are not that many people here. It's great because it felt as if we had the place all to ourselves. I stared long at the moving waves. Finding myself lost in the moment. Until I heard a snap coming from a phone camera. My head shifts to Taehyung snickering as he took my picture. What the hell? 

"Kim Taehyung you better delete that," I tried reaching for the phone, but he is just way too tall for me. He held his phone up higher above his head. "Or what?" He grinned, holding my head back. I quickly jumped and slap his arm. Making his phone slip out of his hand and fall into the sea-water. Oh. I gulped, dumbfounded as I stare at the phone slowly drifting away by the waves. Taehyung grunted and rolled his eyes. "Look at what you did."

"I'm so sorry. I'll get it for you." Feeling guilty for what I did. I took off my shoes, rolled a part of my pants and dipped my feet, the freezing winter sea making my whole body shiver, giving me goosebumps all over. I better hurry up before the phone gets further away from the shore. I dipped my hands and grabbed the phone. I turned back and saw Taehyung had a huge smile plastered on his face. He's having too much fun seeing me suffer.



I couldn't contain my smiles seeing her being this stupid. Why did she even volunteer to get my phone when the water is so cold. I could just buy a new one.

"Taehyung!" y/n called me with a troubled face. "Help I'm stuck."

She's stuck? 

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Yah! What's so funny? Hurry and help me!" she holds out her hand. I grabbed her hand, still laughing and before I could pull her, she gave me a quick smirk and pulled me in instead. The sudden cold of the water making me wail in pain. My shoes and half my jeans are now soaked. "Look who's laughing now." y/n burst into fits of laughter. Argh! This girl  "Oh? You're asking for revenge!" I splashed water on her. Her laughter disappears and her hands are covering parts of her face. "Kim Taehyung!" She splashed more water on me, wetting my shirt and hair. Her laughter returns again. I have never seen her laugh that way before. Her shoulders shaking, and her face was bright red. She was–was she always this pretty? And she was laughing all because of me. I found myself staring at her and I felt this weird feeling growing inside my chest that I have never felt before.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now