Chapter 7 - [ Hiraeth ]

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A/N: I decided to split a chapter to complete the number of chapters HEHE



It took a lot for my body from restraining myself from kissing her. Thank god I fled before I regretting my decision. I went and peeked through my apartment door and saw y/n still standing there, her face still in shock from what I did to her. Why isn't she moving? I kept on peeking, waiting for her to move. Her phone rang making her flinch a little before shoving her hands into her pockets to grab her phone out. "Hello?" I could hear her speaking into the phone. "Jimin?" she speaks again before walking into her apartment door. What is Jimin doing calling her when they just see each other not that long ago? My jaw tenses at the thought of y/n laughing along with Jimin's ridiculous jokes.

I kicked away my shoes, walking to my room when I see my Father sitting on the sofa with the TV on and the kitten sitting on his lap enjoying being caressed. He notices me coming in and his eyes widen, I could see his body tenses as he sat up a little from his comfortable position. "You're home," His voice sounded raspy and with a hint of kindness. Exactly why I hate him. His kindness. I don't need any of that bullshit. "Yeah." I gave him a short reply. My words came out cold, just as I liked it to be. I continue my step towards my room when he starts to speak again, which peaks my interest. "Do you remember the neighbor that lives across from our door?" I gave him a slight nod and he continued talking. "Well they invited us for dinner tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would like to come?" his tone sounds hopeful and at a time like this, I would usually say no to destroy that hope that is shown in his eyes. But a dinner with y/n's family doesn't sound so bad. "I'll think about it." I went to my room and shut the door behind me before my father would open his mouth anymore. He exhausts me not only mentally but physically too, imagine having a whole conversation with him, I would die from suffocating.

I went to get a quick shower and lay down in my bed. It felt so good just lying here when my mind goes around thinking about y/n. I smile at the thought of her soft lips on mine. I wonder if she likes it the way I like it. Then the thought of Jimin calling her floods in my mind, making me frown and irritated at the same time. I wonder what they talked about? Is it really important to have to call? As my mind kept going through the list of questions, I noticed my mood had worsened. I searched my phone and decide to give y/n a text. Only to realize that my phone is still being repaired. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Damn it. Why can't I just buy a new one? It's because you wanted to save the picture of her that you took. The back of my head is telling me and I swear I would have killed him if he is real.

It's the next day and I was getting ready for my class at 8. I opened my room door and immediately the smell of Bacon catches my nose, making my stomach grumble in hunger. I looked at the kitchen and there it is, my Father. He looked to me, "You're awake!" his eyes bright and he is smiling from ear to ear. "I made breakfast for you, I learned how to make an American breakfast when I was working in America." He is wearing the yellow apron that y/n used to wear when she comes over to make me dinner. The thought of my stomach grumbling was long gone when I see my father is the one making the breakfast. I feel a sudden twist in my stomach, making me almost gag. I grunted and rolled my eyes. "I'm not hungry." I walked past him and I could see from the edge of my eyes that his smile had turned into a frown. 

It almost made me feel bad for not appreciating his hard work. But the pain he left from where he decided to abandon me at the worse time is so much horrible than what I just did to him. I closed the apartment door behind me, just in time for y/n to come out from hers. She notices my presence, again, not looking at me. "Hey." She said, her voice barely audible. I gave her a smirk, "Hey." I replied back. She glances at my face, probably noticing my messy hair that I rarely took care of, especially in the morning. We walked awkwardly to the elevator, she pressed the button and we wait. I peeked at her from the edge of my eyes, finding that her hair seems to be sticking out a little from her face. I almost reached my hand out to push back the hair from her face, but the elevator already arrives. We stepped in. The elevator seems to move slower this time. Well can't blame it, it's pretty old. I was lost in the thought of the elevator when y/n asked me a question.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now