Chapter 4 - [Gang Gang]

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Sunday finally arrived, which means, it is finally the day of the birthday party that Jimin invited us to go. Sojin and I decided to pick up some gifts for the host just 3 hours before the party. I think Taehyung mentioned his name once as Jung Hoseok. 

We also went and bought ourselves dresses to wear for this evening. I got a pretty black skater dress, and Sojin got a light blue one, which beautifully compliments her skin tone. "Y/n, what should we buy for Jimin's friend?" Sojin asks as we walk side by side, carrying our shopping bags. "What would all guys want?" I always find it hard to find the right gifts for other people and I have never even met this Jung Hoseok guy. 

"Maybe we should call Jimin or Taehyung to tell us what he likes?" Sojin pulled out her phone and quickly dialed Jimin's number. We waited for the beep, "Ohhh Sojin! What's up?" I notice Sojin's ears turning bright red. "Jimin, I am at the mall right now." Sojin put her phone in loudspeaker so I could also hear what Jimin has to say.

"What are you doing there without me?"

"I am shopping for a dress to wear later on and also for your friend," Sojin answered. "So I am wondering if you know what your friend likes?"

"You are going to buy my friend a birthday present?" he chuckled. "Yah you don't have to do that."

"But still we don't feel right for just barging in into someone else's party."

"Okay okay fine. As for Hoseok hyung, I think he might like something dance related."

"Dance?" I asked.

"Y/n? Yah Sojin you went with y – " Sojin pressed the red button before Jimin could finish his sentence. "Let's go y/n" she shoved back her phone to her pocket and smiled at me. I stared at her for a while, finding her acting quite odd, before catching up to her. We end up buying a pair of wireless headphones as a gift. I hope he likes it or at least appreciates it.

After all that, we went back to my place to do our hair and makeup. I did my usual makeup routine, with loose curls on the bottom of my hair. "Sojin? Are you wearing contact lenses?" I walked to her and she turned, her eyes meeting mine. I was amazed by how beautiful her eyes looked without those glasses framing her face. It was a lighter shade of brown. "Wow, Sojin." I  stare at her eyes, it felt like I was being pulled into it. She frowns and furrowed her eyebrows, "Do I look okay?"

"You do! Are you planning to throw those glasses away? Because I don't think you will need it anymore." I point at her glasses beside my bedside table making Sojin giggle happily.

My phone rang and it's Jimin calling us that he has arrived in front of the apartment building. We finished our final touch-ups and head out the door. We went out the exit and is greeted by Jimin driving in the front seat. I see Taehyung right beside Jimin, his face illuminated by his phone screen not finding any interest in us. I haven't seen him at all since Saturday, except I did see him the morning when I woke up at his place, feeling like a trainwreck.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now