Part 19

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"So, for how long have you worked with the Shekhawat Group after your graduation?" Suniti asked Sanyukta. They were in the kitchen getting ready to make lunch. "Oh no, I am not an employee per se, I joined them this Monday as a summer intern. I am studying in the 12th grade science stream, and Mum decided to send me there to keep me from getting into mischief. I can make a lot of trouble when idle, you see,  Mom is paranoid I'll start a gang of thugs!" Suniti laughed at her candour. "Don't you have to attend tuitions like other science students?" She was curious to know. "No, I have always managed alone, besides, Mom helps me with studies." Sanyukta replied.

"I knew you looked too young to be an employee. I was just thinking, you are so different from my daughter Tanvi who got married and moved to the US a year ago. I speak to her daily yet I miss her so much! My son Tushar is studying engineering in Manipal. My Tanvi is a quiet girl unlike you, and I am happy you decided to come along with the boys, I will have company for the day." Suniti showed Sanyukta the correct proportion of ingredients that were needed to be ground for the curries and instructed her helper to clean and marinate the fish for frying.

" Suniti showed Sanyukta the correct proportion of ingredients that were needed to be ground for the curries and instructed her helper to clean and marinate the fish for frying

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"We call this fish murdushi!" Sanyukta said, indicating towards the nagli or ladyfish. "Yes, they are known as kaney in Mangalore where I grew up. They are found in plenty in the estuaries here, a very clean fish with only a central bone so it is safe for kids too. Always use only freshly bought bedgi chillies and coriander seeds for fish curry!" Suniti informed her. "Will you add tirphal to the nagli ambat?" Sanyukta asked her. "We call it teppal, and no, it is only used for oily fish such as mackerel and sardines to offset their strong smell!" Suniti saw Sanyukta admiring the breadfruit tree in the back yard while she was listening to her.

 "We call it teppal, and no, it is only used for oily fish such as mackerel and sardines to offset their strong smell!" Suniti saw Sanyukta admiring the breadfruit tree in the back yard while she was listening to her

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