Part 87

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"But there are no people living on the moon or in the sky!" Pebbles squinted at the drawing K2 was busy with. It showed a little box-like house in the sky between the moon and the stars. One could even see a face looking out of the window, possibly toward earth.

"Why can't there be? People went to the moon, so why can't they live in the sky?" K2 argued defiantly.

"Abby, can you tell K2? He says there are people living in the sky!" Pebbles looked at Sanyukta hopefully.

"Sorry kids, but am a bit busy, you have to figure these things out yourselves!" Sanyukta looked a overwhelmed as she tried to feed an unwilling Megami her formula, at the same time keeping an eye on Gingerbread, who was trying to chew anything that caught his fancy. The once fragile pup had morphed into a little bundle of energy in the weeks after they brought him home.

"There is no air in the sky. How can people breathe?" Pebbles persisted.

"I don't know, but science can make it happen. People can live in the sky!" K2 continued to add details to his art.

"Hi everyone! Looks like we are very busy here!" The voice startled Sanyukta. Randhir often walked in unannounced, but his sudden entry surprised her. As he nodded at her she saw that he looked travel weary, but he was obviously happy to spot the kids. 

"Hi Gingerbread, how have you been?" Randhir barely finished saying those words when the little dog darted toward him, wagging his tail happily, nipping at his ankles. Randhir picked him up and spoke to him tenderly, trying to stay out of reach as the puppy attempted to lick his face. Soon there was laughter ringing across the room as the children joined in. It felt like the solemn atmosphere had suddenly become charged with happiness. 

Sanyukta's heart skipped a beat. No matter how hard she tried not to, she had missed Randhir like crazy. She was conflicted, her mind was unwilling to admit that she was still drawn to him. She had been tempted to call him and it had taken every ounce of her willpower to avoid doing so.

 Both Randhir and Harsh had left town abruptly weeks ago, giving her barely any notice, mentioning some urgent business that needed their attention. Before leaving Randhir made sure that she had access to the account into which he transferred enough money to last her months, but the absence of the men was unnerving for her. Although Harsh had asked her to call or send an email if she wanted to, she refrained from reaching out, hoping that either one of them would call. Needless to say, she had been disappointed. 

"Where's Dad?" She asked. She had assumed they would return together, but there was no sign of Harsh yet.

"He will be back this weekend. He had to stay back to take care of certain things." Randhir asked for some tea and something to eat.

"Sure, why don't you freshen up first?" She had some batter sitting in the fridge, she could make idlis quickly.

"What is this powder for?" Pebbles asked.

"You mix it with oil or ghee and enjoy it with idli or dosa!" Sanyukta showed her how to use the condiment called gunpowder, made with roasted lentils and spices.

"My Mom makes sambhar and coconut chutney with idli!" Pebbles had never eaten gunpowder before.

"Yes, but if you are out of coconut this acts as a substitute. Have some sambhar if you don't like the powder!" Sanyukta offered.

"No, I do like it." Pebbles imitated K2 by mashing her idli and eating it with the powder and ghee.

After they finishes the snack she turned to Randhir.

"Coach Sir, please tell K2 that people cannot live in the sky." Pebbles showed Randhir the picture K2 was making.

"Hey, is that you looking out of this window?" Randhir asked.

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