Part 26

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"Mr Alvares, what time will Randhir be back after his meeting?" Sanyukta had rushed back to office just before closing time. "Sanyukta, I did not expect you to come back to work after you left, I was just having the office shut!" Basil Alvares was a senior staffer and Sanyukta had requested him to grant her leave for a couple of hours, saying she had to run an important errand. "Please Mr Alvares, let me stay back and finish some work, I will ask security to have the office shut if Randhir is not back before I leave. I need to take the morning off tomorrow and I am hoping to finish as much work as possible right now!" She pleaded.

"I am not sure you should stay back alone Sanyukta, it is already past closing time and the system had logged you out for the day. Randhir may go home if he wraps up his meeting later than expected. You cannot be here working alone for security reasons." Basil tried to reason with Sanyukta. "No Mr Alvares, I will be quite safe. I cannot leave without finishing the work for today and tomorrow morning." She replied. "In that case I will stay back here, if you promise to wrap up as quickly as you can. Randhir does not know that you left the office earlier during the day nor that you need the morning off for tomorrow, I did not want to disturb him during his meeting." Basil could not take a risk, he knew how protective Randhir was about Sanyukta. 

Across the town Randhir was seated before the client and his daughter who had joined her father's business recently. In the midst of a serious discussion over coffee and some light snacks Randhir tried to avert his eyes from the distraction that the attractively dressed pretty young thing was providing. He suspected that the girl had tagged along with her father with the purpose of charming Randhir so that her father could have more control over the transaction. Randhir guessed correctly that the girl had learnt early enough to use her beauty to her advantage. He surprised the father and daughter duo by staying focused. Just then his phone beeped with an alert, someone had logged into the office management system after work hours and he was surprised to see Sanyukta's id flashing on the screen.

Before dialing her number he called up Basil who explained to him what had happened. By the time Randhir finished his meeting it was almost half past seven in the evening and he drove straight to the office. As soon as he stepped in he noticed Basil as well as Sanyukta who was busy working on her computer. Randhir asked Basil to leave office and then walked across straight to Sanyukta's desk. "What's happening Sanyukta?" She heard him before she noticed him. "I had to leave office for a while and also I need to take the morning off so I am trying to finish as much work as possible right now." She mumbled, going back to her work promptly. 

"You did not say anything before I left the office. What's going on? Come on, spill!" He persisted. She paused for some time before addressing him. "Ma has to undergo a minor surgery tomorrow. The doctor asked us to run a few last minute tests so I had her admitted a while ago. And I have to be at the hopsital in the morning during the procedure." She tried to sound normal. "Surgery? Why didn't you call and inform me?" Randhir asked. "You were with the client, I did not want to disturb you, and the procedure was scheduled for Saturday but the doctor preponed it to tomorrow because of scheduling problems." Sanyukta explained. "Silly girl, you could have at least sent me a text, and why are you back in the office now? You should be with your mother instead!" Randhir remarked.

"She would not let me stay, insisting that I finish my work at the office so you don't face any inconvenience. Also, I have to be back in the office after her surgery and return to the hospital in the evening for her discharge. She will not let me take the day off tomorrow. You know my mother Randhir, she will not rest until I live up to the promise I made about working for you." Sanyukta replied with a smile. "Sorry to sound intrusive, but what is she being operated for?" Randhir had to know if the matter was serious. "Well, it is a gynecological procedure. She has been experiencing heavy bleeding lately, and a D&C and biopsy is needed for further investigation." Sanyukta saw no point in withholding the fact from Randhir. 

"Please let me work a little longer Randhir, I have to be with Mum tonight anyway." She added. "Fine, I'll be at my desk finishing my work too, let me know when you are done, I'll drop you off to the hospital on my way home." Randhir called to inform Parth that he was running late and went to his desk to tackle some files while Sanyukta continued her task. He could not help but wonder, had Sanyukta deliberately downplayed her mother's medical condition? He hoped Anju's problem was manageable, and whether he should mention it to his father. Perhaps he had better wait, Harsh was on a holiday and he would tell him after his parents returned from their trip.

Randhir wrapped up his work and noticed that Sanyukta was still working away dedicatedly. He walked to her desk and sat down besides her. "Another ten minutes and I'll be done!" She assured him. He looked at her face screwed up in concentration and smiled to himself, this was the same Sanyukta who had been a notorious troublemaker a few weeks ago. Now she was actually working at his father's office to compensate for the damage she had done to his car. How much had changed with her! Finally Sanyukta saved her work and logged off. They had the office shut and stepped into the car. "What about dinner for your mother and you?" Randhir asked.

"Mum would have eaten an early dinner served to her at the hospital, she needs to fast before surgery. She will be given an antacid too." Sanyukta explained. "And what about you?" He asked, knowing she would not have had time to cook. "I'll manage Randhir, there is a café close to the hospital." She mumbled. "Let's eat together then!" Randhir said quickly. "This place serves a simple home-style vegetarian thali, call your mother to let her know you are stopping for dinner, I don't want her to worry." She did as she was told. As they waited for the thali to be served Sanyukta looked lost in thought. Randhir let her be, she would be stressed about her mother. 

Not long ago he had pacified the drunk girl on more than one occasion when she tried to initiate romance. Now the same feisty teenager looked weighed down with worry, though she had not said a word about it. The thalis arrived and they began eating through the okra masala, phulka, drumstick dal and steamed rice. The sweet was a modest sabudana or sago kheer. Randhir remembered the winsome girl he had met earlier in the evening, had he agreed to have dinner with her on her father's invitation he would hardly be dining in a place like this and the mood would have been different. But he had no regrets, he was glad he was able to offer solace to Sanyukta, she was unlikely to have told her other friends about her mother's surgery in order to be discreet.

After dinner she directed him to the hospital. "Let me see you upstairs, I can meet your mother too!" Randhir wanted to pay a courtesy visit to Anju. Since it was a private hospital he could do so, they were not that rigid about visiting hours as long as the patient was not unduly disturbed. They found Anju propped up and reading a book. Randhir greeted her and she smiled at him. "Hello Randhir, nice to see you. Hope Sanyukta is able to perform satisfactorily at the office!" Anju asked. "She is surely keeping her promise, don't you worry. Also please let me know if I can be of any assitance, anything at all!" He said politely. "I will, thank you. Randhir, please don't say anything to Harsh about this!" Anju's eyes appealed to Randhir as well as her words.

"I won't mention anything if all goes well. Please take rest now, I'll come by tomorrow. Hope you have a speedy recovery!" Randhir wished her as he prepared to leave. "Sanyukta, see Randhir off beta!" Sanyukta accompanied Randhir as instructed. "Sanyukta, hope there are sufficient funds to cover the procedure, let me know if you need any help!" He hesitated a little, wondering how she would react to his words. "There is enough money, thank you. She puts aside funds for contingencies. But I am worried about her Randhir, the procedure is simple but what if the biopsy shows malignancy?" Sanyukta broke down, the tears she had been holding back defied her and cascaded down her cheeks. "Shhh, everything will be fine Mowgli, you are a brave girl, have faith. Your mother will be fine, and so will you!" He gave her a back hug to comfort her. "She is all I have Randhir!" She sobbed. 

"That is not true, you have Dad and Parth and me, all of us care about your wellbeing, now calm down or you will scare your mother making her wonder if I made you cry! I'll be here in the morning with your breakfast." He turned her to face him. "But Randhir, you don't have to!" She blurted out. "I have to, don't argue, I am your boss for this summer. Get some sleep, I'll be here as soon as I can. You take care." He gave her a friendly hug. "Thanks for being there Randhir! It makes a huge difference!" She smiled weakly. "Call if you need to, anytime, don't keep mum like you did earlier this evening!" He said as he got into his car. "I will, thank you Randhir!" She watched him drive off before returning to her mother's side. "Randhir is so caring, Ma!" She said to Anju. "He has to be, have you forgotten whose son he is?" Anju smiled at her contentedly. 

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