Part 83

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"Chachi, why do you have two rakhis on the thali? Who is the other rakhi for?" K2 asked.

"Well, Suketu, I thought you should get to choose your own rakhi. So which one should Megami tie on your wrist?" Vidushi smiled to see him thinking hard and then point at the golden rakhi.

Sanyukta gasped to see that Vidushi had picked real gold and platinum rakhis for the occasion. For the Shekhawats it was nothing unusual. 

"But who is this one for? Is Megu giving it to Dadu?" K2 persisted, pointing at the other rakhi.

"No, it is not for Dadu. Any other guesses?" Vidushi tempted him.

"Then for whom is it?" K2's curiosity got the better of him.

"Who else is coming here with Dadu?" Vidushi asked, cryptically.

"Coach sir? Is Megu tying him a rakhi?" K2 wondered how that was possible.

"Arey, why will she tie a rakhi on her uncle's wrist?" Vidushi smiled at Sanyukta in a conspiratorial way.

"Bambi, who could possibly tie a rakhi on his wrist?" Sanyukta looked into her son's eyes.

"Is it you? Are you giving him a rakhi?" K2 was puzzled. What was happening here?

Vidushi nearly choked to see Sanyukta balk at the suggestion. Who would have guessed that K2 could come up with such a question.

"No K2, Vidushi chachi ties a rakhi on his wrist every year. Because she does not have a brother herself. Now don't bug her with so many questions. Go and play with Megami!" Sanyukta pretended to set the table for breakfast, avoiding any conversation with Vidushi until the moment had passed.

"Excuse me, I need to make a phone call!" Vidushi stepped into Sanyukta's bedroom and dialed Randhir's number, quickly narrating the gist of the recent drama about K2's question regarding the rakhi. She could almost sense Randhir grinning at the other end.

"So, this means her conscience is unwilling to see you in a filial role. Randhir, she may deny it all she wants, but the feelings she had buried deep inside her so long ago are still there!" Vidushi suddenly felt happy for Randhir. She could not wait to tell Parth about how scandalised Sanyukta had been at her son's suggestion of tying a rakhi on Randhir's wrist.

"Hey Vids, let us not jump to any conclusions. Anyway, you guys have breakfast without me, Dad must be reaching anytime now. I will take a bit longer!" Randhir got off the phone and went back to whatever he was busy with.

The doorbell rang and Sanyukta opened the door to let in Harsh. He handed over the food he was carrying and rushed to greet the children.

"Who wants a bear hug? Get one right now!" Megami crawled to her grandfather immediately, followed by K2. Harsh sat down at the dining table flanked by either child until Vidushi Megami on his lap. Vidushi and Sanyukta sat down across from him. 

"I am so hungry I could eat a horse!" Harsh declared as the women unwrapped the packet to reveal dal parathas, chutney and creamy yoghurt.

"Oh, I can see why!" Vidushi laughed, watching him spread butter generously on his paratha. Renuka was dead against the Shekhawats eating anything that she deemed greasy and unhealthy.

"Abby, you are the only one not eating!" Vidushi remarked, feeding Megami a large mouthful of porridge with applesauce.

"Yes, I forgot to tell you. Don't wait up for Randhir, he is having breakfast with a client. Don't give me that look, girls! My boys are young, they must make sacrifices so that they are able to reap a rich harvest just like yours truly! I don't feel guilty at all for making them work hard, neither should you! Generations of our women have waited until the men are done eating. Not necessary in this age, so Abby, eat up like any young girl with a healthy appetite!" Harsh plied Sanyukta with an extra paratha despite her protest, telling her to work those calories off later.

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