Part 71

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"You okay? You've been working out for nearly two hours now!" Harsh looked up from the file he was brooding over. Randhir had just emerged from the gym, his skin awash with perspiration and his face flushed because of the exercise. It was half past six in the morning and Harsh, who routinely rose at four each morning, realised that his elder son had barely slept the previous night before hitting the gym prior to dawn.

"I'm good, Dad! You know I've always loved to work out but can barely make the time these days!" Randhir dabbed his body with his gym towel.

"How is she? Do you think we should move her to a hospital? Maybe you can fly her to Bombay!" Harsh asked.

"No, I don't think her situation is that bad. Besides she slept like a baby all night, and is still sleeping, if I am not mistaken!" Randhir remarked.

"If she slept soundly then why are you having sleepless nights?" Harsh could not but help notice. It was not like Randhir to be so restless.

"Breakfast is ready, I'll serve as soon as you have showered!" Sanyukta came out of the kitchen and addressed Randhir.

"Don't bother, Nikki is sick and cannot keep any food down. When she wakes up I'll fix her something that she is accustomed to! I'll see you later, Dad!" Without a glance at Sanyukta Randhir raced upstairs to his room. Sanyukta stood still trying to digest his words. She felt like an outcast, unacknowledged and unwanted. 

Harsh did not fail to notice how Sanyukta's face fell. Following tradition she had woken early and had been toiling in the kitchen to make a meal for the Shekhawats. She even took care to keep the menu healthy. Neither Parth-Vidushi nor Renuka were up so far and Harsh, though hungry, had decided to wait until Randhir joined Sanyukta and him at the breakfast table. 

"Sanyukta, I am sorry, my son has been away from home for so long he has forgotten his manners. Or maybe he has just taken after his mother.  Anyway, Nikki is actually sick, I don't think India agrees with her. But unlike her I am ravenously hungry, I don't think I can wait any longer. Why don't you join me for a bite? Let's enjoy the peace while it lasts." Harsh smiled indulgently.

"This is Anju's recipe, isn't it?" Harsh asked, biting into the savoury pancake made with lentils and herbs. It had Anju's signature on it, especially the sesame chutney that went with the dish.

"I swear by Mom's recipes. I know nothing can go wrong with the dish if I follow them." Sanyukta said with pride. Even when she had no appetite she forced a few morsels down her throat. She knew things would never be the same again between Randhir and her but the morning snub had been rather unexpected. On the other hand Harsh was eating with gusto, asking for seconds. 

"Rr..Randhir mentioned that Nicole has not eaten anything. Should we not attend to her?" Sanyukta had dared not ask Randhir about her. Though courtesy demanded that she enquire about Nicole's health it was becoming obvious to her that she did not belong under this roof. 

"Nikki has lived in the US all her life and I have rarely seen her consume anything more than salad and smoothies. If she is hungry between meals she just nibbles on some trail mix- those guilt-free nibbles like granola, dried fruit and pumpkin seeds. It looks like she cannot handle regular food, though there is nothing more serious to her state. Don't worry, Randhir must have called her doctor back in the US, he'll take care of her. Why don't you go change? We should go over to your Mom's for lunch, without giving her notice. Come on, Sanyukta, it will be fun. I am dying to enjoy some authentic Goan seafood. Our kitchen rustles up nothing but hospital diets, and I am tired of them!" Harsh knew that the onus of cheering Sanyukta was upon him. 

"But Aunty may not like it if you cheat on your diet!" Sanyukta hesitated. It was not the diet, but rather the fact that Harsh was going to meet Anju that Renuka would find intolerable.

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