Part 42

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"Born to a chhedi, always a cheddi!" (Cheddi is a derogative term in Goa, meaning prostitute)

"Bells on the ankles are long gone, but the marks still remain!"

"It is a full moon tonight, leave your window open and I'll be there to claim my prize, make sure the price is right!"

Anju tried hard to pretend that she could not hear the jeers and taunts as she walked with her head held high in the college corridor close to her friend Vaiju who belonged to the same unfortunate background as hers. There was comfort in the knowledge that they had something in common, and Anju and Vaiju generally stuck together all day, keeping to themselves to avoid mingling with the rich brats from the upper caste communities, many of whom came from families with a feudal past whose men had been the traditional patrons of the Kalavants or the Devadasis of a bygone era. Although caste-based discrimination was officially routed out, its echoes often haunted those whose only crime was to be born in a certain marginalised community.

"Let her go, Jitendra!" The warning in the voice was hardly subtle and Jitendra Prabhudesai looked back to face Harsh Shekhawat,  whose face was etched with harsh lines. Taking advantage of the situation Anju fled from the spot where Jitendra had cornered her with the intention of harassing her. "Why are you so soft on that one, Harsh? You are one of us and she is one of them, simply waiting for her debut!" Jitendra's face broke into a wicked grin. "If you know what's good for you, you will stay out of that girl's way or face the consequences. Elections are near and I'm sure your father will not appreciate it if your name is put down in the police record for harassing a poor orphaned girl, the opposition will have a field day cashing on your infamy!" Harsh had hit the jugular.

"I get your point bro, you could have just mentioned that you are saving her for yourself, and I would have gladly stepped aside!" Jitendra knew his father would be livid to know it if he chose to openly rebuke a Shekhawat, they had connections in the right place. But he could not resist the urge to take a potshot at Harsh. "You are right! Don't forget, she is my exclusive property!" Harsh could hardly figure what prompted him to make such a statement, and within days the grapevine buzzed about Anju being under Harsh's "protection"! Students whispered among themselves and soon the taunts were replaced by whispers about Harsh Shekhawat being under the spell of Anju Amonkar. The new gossip bothered Anju even more and unheeding Vaiju's advice she stormed the library corner where she knew she would find Harsh alone.

"Are you responsible for these rumors about me?" She asked him angrily, trying to keep her voice as low as possible to prevent invoking the wrath of the librarian. "What rumors? I did not hear any rumours, would you like to enlighten me?" Harsh's face was calm, with just a faint smile on it. "They say that, you and I, I mean that you are my..." Anju fumbled suddenly. "Your boyfriend?" Harsh's smile widened as he saw her face twitch on hearing the word. "You know about it, and you have done nothing to quash them?" She asked him indignantly. "Tell me why I should so that? Has Jitendra or any of his cronies bothered you again after that day?" He asked her. "Not really, I mean, it is not like that! "Her voice trailed off once more as realisation hit her.

"Look Anju, let sleeping dogs lie! If they call me your boyfriend, let them. At least no one will dare corner you like they used to. None of this bothers me, so why are you agitated?" He asked her. "Why? Because I am not from a privileged background like yours! Because I am not even allowed to talk to any boy, leave alone let someone be labelled as my boyfriend. If my uncle finds out I will have to leave college and they will marry me off! How would you understand? I'm the one who will have to bear the consequences." She sounded scared more than agitated.

"Why should you when you have done nothing wrong, nor have I? Look Anju, the only thing you really fear is fear itself. Overcome it and you shall be fine. Now, if you don't mind, I have practicals to attend." He shut his bag and began walking out of the library, returning the book he had been reading earlier. She followed him quietly, as she was in the same batch. "Friends?" He offered her a friendly handshake. "You must know something before that!" She whispered. "What?" He asked, curious. "Just because I talk to you does not mean I will sleep with you!" Her face turned red as she spoke those words, and he burst out laughing. "Ok, thanks for telling me! Don't sleep with me but I would really like you to sing with me for the oncoming inter-collegiate competition. I need to win this one, honestly!" He said to her in a serious tone.

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