Part 91

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"Did you know that Coach Sir is getting married? It is supposed to be a surprise!" Pebbles took K2's hand excitedly.

"But who is he marrying?" K2 asked. He did not know why the idea of Randhir marrying someone sounded unappealing to him.

"I don't know, but there will surely be ice cream and other nice things to eat!" The girl replied happily. 

"Pebbles, where is your Mom?" Sanyukta asked the girl cautiously.

"She is not ready yet! She will be here soon." Pebbles led them through the door. There was a small gathering of K2 and Pebbles' friends and the children soon got busy playing games in the open space. There were no grown up guests yet, and Sanyukta wondered if anyone had been invited to attend at all!

The interior of the room was simply but tastefully decorated. Preparations for a Hindu wedding could be seen, overseen by Harsh, Suniti and Arvind. Randhir was nowhere to be found.

As soon as he saw them Harsh gestured to Parth. Vidushi handed Megami over to Parth and led Sanyukta into the private room inside.

"Where are Randhir and the bride?" Sanyukta whispered. She could not contain her curiosity any more. Almost as if on cue Harsh and Suniti walked in.

"Randhir is taking care of some last minute formality." Suniti smiled as she sat down beside Sanyukta and Vidushi.

"But the bride, is Randhir bringing her with him?" Sanyukta asked. Her palms and feet were unusually cold. Must be the air-conditioning, she thought.

"Sanyukta, there is some thing you should know before the wedding takes place. Renuka, Randhir, Parth and I hold eighty percent while Suketu and you have a twenty percent stake in our property, since you are Vishad's legal heirs. Randhir and Parth will eventually inherit our shares. But I want to make sure that Suketu and you lack nothing. Randhir is currently with our lawyer getting the paperwork ready. No matter whom he marries your interest shall remain secure." Harsh's phone rang just as he finished speaking and he left the room to take the urgent phone call.

" I am not sure I understand why Dad brought this up just now! Should we not be focusing on the wedding?" Sanyukta remarked.

"Is your son's inheritance not an important matter for you? If I were in your shoes when Randhir asked you to marry him I would have consented immediately. My dear girl, can't you see? Forty plus twenty makes sixty percent. As Randhir' s spouse you will be able to give K2 the ultimate advantage." Vidushi looked Sanyukta in the eye as she spoke.

"Really Vidushi! In a few minutes Randhir will tie the knot with his chosen one. We should stop this speculation!" It was obvious that Sanyukta' s discomfort was growing.

"Tell me, will you be able to deal with him marrying someone else and have kids with her?" Suniti asked. She had cared for Sanyukta selflessly when she had needed her help the most. She owed it to the girl to help her make the right decision.

"You know my mother dealt with it, so shouldn't I be able to? Not to forget, when I married Vishad, Randhir walked away into the sunset with Nicole! So yes, it has been done before!" Sanyukta replied.

"We know that that Vishad and Nicole were not meant to be your respective partners. Otherwise Vishad would be still alive and Randhir would not have left Nicole behind. And Anju did not bear her lover's child, unlike you. Sanyukta, you're on the brink, don't repeat your mistakes. If marrying Vishad was a blunder, letting Randhir marry another girl will be another." Suniti tried to reason with her.

"It is a little late to brood over these matters. Randhir has found the one he wants, why else would he rush into marriage otherwise?" Sanyukta sighed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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