Part 67

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"Did you consult the legal team?" Randhir's voice was calm. There was no hint of turmoil in his tone.

"Of course, it was the first thing I did before getting in touch with Dad! The lawyers examined it carefully and noted that the document is authentic and in perfect order, there is no trick. However Dad thinks the whole thing reeks to high heavens because of the prenuptial agreement. How could this happen so suddenly? He was wondering if Mom had a role to play in the development. Interestingly it seems even Sanyukta's mother was clueless. She was shocked to find out when they returned to seek her blessings." Parth sounded a little agitated.

"What did Mom say?" Randhir asked after a few second's pause, completely ignoring the extra information disclosed by his brother. Parth knew why Randhir was sounding so detached when he heard the unusual news abruptly. He also knew that rather than engage him in conversation it would be better to allow his brother some space to digest the truth. Ironically it was equally imperative to share all hard facts with him without any delay. The Shekhawat siblings could not afford the luxury of procrastination when there was an unforeseen addition to the number of contenders for their family estate. 

 "Mom was alarmed initially. She would not stop ranting about how the mother and daughter duo connived to seek a backdoor entry into our family. Nevertheless Vishad was quite clear in his resolve and after Sanyukta consented there was very little anybody could do. Mom wants you to head back as soon as you can. She is glad at least the marriage was registered in Mumbai rather than in Goa. She says there will be fewer legal complications that way. Honestly I think there is no predicting Vishad's next move, you better fly back. Vidushi and I just cannot figure why Sanyukta acted so unpredictably. Have you been in touch with her? If you did then you probably have some idea of what she was up to!" Their conversation was interrupted as Randhir picked up a rather important call on his phone.  

As he disconnected Parth could hardly contain his disappointment. Sanyukta knew that Renuka would never sanction her entry into the family legitimately as Randhir's significant other. Parth had imagined that Sanyukta would pursue his brother until he was ready to rebel against Renuka. Was his childhood friend so shallow that she would effortlessly switch preferences from his brother to his cousin after sensing the loss of opportunity at the arrival of Nicole on the scene?  Parth had known Sanyukta long enough to make him wonder why she had opted for a hasty and hitherto undisclosed court marriage with Vishad and why the couple had waited for a few days before revealing anything. Nor had they moved in together as Sanyukta was still living with her mother while Vishad was busy travelling on business. 

Vidushi, who was usually great at brainstorming for theories, had been rather uncoperative in the matter. It was almost as if she was trying to distance herself from it because she could foresee conflict in the family and was unwilling to choose sides. She did hint at how what Sanyukta did was a practical choice for any ambitious girl who was interested in climbing the social ladder. Her viewpoint did not help much. Parth knew how much Randhir would resent the coming together of Sanyukta and Vishad though he would not exhibit it openly. Parth sighed, all he could do was wait and watch. Sparks would fly when everyone came face to face. And the thought made him feel uncomfortable.

Even Sanyukta knew she would have to deal with accusations and confrontation. And these would mostly stem from the very person who had ruled her heart all these years but had slipped away like sand between the fingers. It took a while to pull herself together and to arm her mind adequately with the responses she was expected to give. Her hand shook a little as she picked up the phone to face the most difficult challenge of her life.

"Hello Randhir! How have you been?" She mouthed the words mechanically.

"Never been better, thank you! Congratulations Sanyukta, albeit the news and the timing was a bit unexpected." He addressed her as Sanyukta. Evidently the equation between them had changed.

"Vishad and I take full responsibility for what happened. We did not expect anyone to shower us with blessings and goodwill so we went ahead and took the step before anyone could object." She knew it sounded like a canned response. What else could she say?

"At the risk of sounding intrusive, may I ask why the sudden change of heart? Vishad had been dating Tanya for years. What changed now?" Randhir persisted.

"People change the way they perceive one another over time. Knowing someone for long is not reason enough to marry them. Agreed Tanya and Vishad were close, but so were Nour and you once. Moreover Tanya initiated the break up when she realised that their relationship had failed. Randhir, we've known each other for over five years. Have you been able to gauge how you feel about me? I don't think so. Not even those hormonal kisses we shared helped change the status quo. Let me also remind you that while you have not given your consent yet you did not reject Nicole outright. On the other hand Vishad came to me with a brutally honest proposal and I saw no reason to turn it down!" Sanyukta felt uneasy. She did not know how far her strength would hold good.

"Tell me how you can replace someone as the object of your affection so quickly! Because I could never master the art!" The strain on his nerves was beginning to show.

"If you are asking about how I fell for Vishad I have to disappoint you. I made a choice pragmatically, not for love. Just like my mother before me who married a stranger and so did your father! And Randhir, if your parents want you to marry Nicole to further your business interests there is nothing wrong with that. Every business house aims at that. Not everyone is as lucky as Parth and Vidushi to find parfait amour!" She could feel her strength ebbing away.

"I did not know you had morphed into such a practical person over the years. You did not seem so when you melted in my arms when we were together that evening!" Randhir almost whispered the words.

"Did you mean that evening when you hurried me into Tanya's room before walking away, never to return? You've stolen intimate moments with many girls before me, Randhir. Can you tell me if every kiss and caress with them was magical? Where I come from it is every mother's dream to see her daughter settle down in marriage. Because a few decades ago it was an unattainable goal for our women. My mother was not thrilled with the idea of Vishad and I together but at least she is happy that I will be settling down without having to flit from one man to another. Everything happens for the best, Randhir!" Sanyukta sighed.

"And are you happy with the choice you made?" He asked breathlessly.

"Have you been able to fill the void Nour left behind with someone who made you forget her? I guess not. I realised that I could not replace her when I saw your eyes avoid me when we were among other people at Parth's cocktail party. I can only be a dirty little secret for you to keep concealed from the world in return for some stolen moments of pleasure. I don't know if I made the right choice with Vishad, only time will tell. Some people are not meant to get what the heart desires. It is better to accept and move on. Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to work. I am glad we had this conversation, Randhir. But I must say goodbye now!" She knew there was nothing more fruitful to discuss. She had not lied to him. He was instinctive enough to tell if she has been lying, but how could he know if she had told him the entire truth? Because she was unsure if he could handle it. Some things were best left unsaid.

Neither of them was going to sleep that night. A mirror had shattered signalling the death of a phase in their lives. When they met again all boundaries would have changed. They would be forced by decorum to be civil to each other because, ironically enough, they had become related by marriage. But no amount of introspection could bring the groove back between them. 

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