Part 88

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"Kids be careful, don't run!" Randhir cautioned.

"Pebbles, K2, hold on, no need to rush!" Sanyukta called out anxiously as she tried to keep pace with the uber excited kids. 

Hetal was unruffled. She kept pace with Randhir who carried Megami in his arms and tried to follow a harrowed Sanyukta.

"Abby, don't worry, they'll be fine." Hetal winked at Randhir who smiled back.

"These two don't get out much, I can sense that!" Randhir said softly.

"It is normal for Abby to be stressed. I try to get her to unwind, but all she does is work. If she gets herself a boyfriend maybe she'll learn to relax." Hetal had known Abby long enough to know her lifestyle well.

"She is content at being a single mother, I guess!" Randhir's eyes remained glued to Sanyukta and the children.

"Hey, I am a single mother too! I don't let that limit my daughter's life or mine. I make sure to socialise and at the same time ensure that Virushka spends time with my ex-husband and his parents, as much as she does with my parents and siblings. Strangely Abby has isolated herself from relatives without realising how much K2 is missing out!" Hetal outlined Sanyukta's reality in her few words. 

Randhir chose not to respond. It was not prudent for him to discuss Sanyukta's personal life with Hetal.

"Why can't I go on this ride? And why is Pebbles allowed?" K2 whined.

"That's because this ride has a height restriction, and she is a few inches taller than you!" Sanyukta explained.

"No worries, even Pebbles will not take this ride then! Come Abby, let's take them to the other rides!" Hetal tried to sort things out.

"No! Why should she miss out on her ride? Hetal, K2 needs to learn to deal with such situations. You guys go ahead!" Sanyukta encouraged Hetal to let Pebbles have her way.

"Yes, but the carriage has place for one more. Why don't you hop on, Abby? I am sure Randhir can manage both Megami and K2!" Hetal suggested.

"Actually, I'll manage both Megami and K2. You take Randhir along!" As soon as Sanyukta suggested this Pebbles whopped with joy and dragged Randhir by the arm. Before he could protest he found himself buying tickets for the ride and Pebbles slipped into the carriage between Hetal and him. 

Sanyukta quickly turned around with Megami in her arm and K2's  little palm in hers. She did not want the others to see how K2's face fell. She offered to take him on the toy train.

"This toy train is for babies!" K2 was miffed at having to settle for a ride meant for toddlers.

"Come on, we'll have fun, let's all ride in this bright yellow carriage!" Sanyukta tried to cheer him up. He relented finally seeing Megami smile happily when the train began moving.

"This is nothing special for her, she rides in a car all the time!" K2 reminded Sanyukta.

"Yes, but she is taking a ride with the two of us for the first time!" She responded.

"Abby, do you think Coach and Hetal Aunty will marry?" K2 asked suddenly and Sanyukta was taken aback.

"God, K2! What is this about? I don't know, and if they want to marry, then it is their business, not ours. We should not talk about others, that is called gossip!" Sanyukta explained. 

"Oh ok! But Pebbles and other girls gossip all the time!" K2 was not in the mood to retreat.

"Let them! Come on, the others are waiting for us!" She indicated. 

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