Part 36

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It was a busy Friday afternoon at the office but Sanyukta was restless since morning. Randhir had to fly to Mumbai to take care of some urgent business and he was not expected back until the next day. The workplace just did not feel the same without him. Sanyukta tried to focus on the job she had been assigned but being in the office without Randhir just did not feel the same. She tried to reason it out- she was mere infatuated, she could not let it take over her mind. In a few days the idyll would be over when she went back to her classes after her internship and they would drift apart.

She checked back all the work that she had put in since morning to spot any mistakes she may have made absent mindedly, she was relieved to find there were none. Parth and Vidushi were in charge in the absence of Randhir and Sanyukta did not want an awkward encounter with Vidushi over any error on her part. She had made peace with Vidushi for the time being and wished to keep it until her last day at work. She worked alone without interacting with them as she did not want to intrude, she could not help but notice the chemistry between Parth and Vidushi. Parth was completely content, he was spending time with the girl he had fallen for.

Desk work was boring and uninspiring yet Vidushi made the effort to keep him engaged by joining him almost daily. At lunchtime both often snucked out and were gone for a couple of hours while Randhir and Sanyukta ate indoors. Sanyukta could tell Parth was changing for the better. He seemed happier to be groomed by his girlfriend and was no longer the wannabe gang member. Sanyukta's gang, including her, seemed to have grown up over the summer. She hardly managed to meet the boys as  she had a job now.

She was unsure whether she was glad that her rebellious phase was over but she had accepted it as an imminent change after their gang members drifted off. Just like Parth spent most of his time with Vidushi Jiggy too shifted his attention to Kaustuki while YoYo practiced music, jamming with his other friends who practiced for gigs. Sahil was busy with a summer course trying to make some money as a dance instructor. He had plans to move to Mumbai to look for professional assignments.

A couple of times Sanyukta spotted Parth kissing Vidushi in a quiet corner and although she managed to slink away undetected the experience stirred something in her. She tried to fathom her feelings and realised that she was confused. Her life had changed this summer, she could never again be the wild child she had forced herself to become because she was uneasy about being grown up. She had never been witness to romance before. She told herself she was envious, Vidushi and Parth had already found something she had been secretly longing for.

Her mother had warned her subtly about how emotionally crippling a  failed relationship could be. Being with someone led to emotional dependency and when circumstances changed one was left hurting. She was uncomfortable with the thought but she came to realise that having Randhir around helped overcome her dissociation stemming from traumatic memories. Like any girl of her age she nursed romantic fantasies, and invariably Randhir was at their centre. She tried distancing herself from these but found herself longing to be in his arms, where she knew she would feel pain-free and secure.

"Are you coming for Nafisa's son's christening party? You can join us if you want!" Lisa told Sanyukta. Lisa was another experienced staffer who managed accounts for the Shekhawats. Sanyukta had permission form Anju to attend the party but was not too enthusiastic about going. Still, she responded positively to Lisa's offer, it would be impolite to decline Nafisa's invitation. After office hours the girls freshened up, changed and left for the party venue. Sanyukta had brushed her hair, used watermelon gloss and eye pencil and dabbed on some fragrance. A pair of silver oak leaf earrings dangled from her earlobes.

The party venue was done up tastefully in white linen, and silver-blue balloons and napkins. They were among the first people to arrive and Nafisa's family welcomed them. As the guests trooped in they were offered snacks and drinks. Sanyukta stuck to sipping some tomato juice, though the open bar beckoned and she was sorely tempted. She nibbled on some chicken satay and stuffed mushrooms to kill time. Everyone around her looked happy, chatting and laughing away. Soon Nafisa and her husband arrived carrying their son in their arms and the invitees rose to their feet to greet and bless the baby for his christening. 

The baby had been named Nathaniel Phillip. The parents cut the cake and champagne was popped open. People lined up to congratulate the parents and give presents. Sanyukta joined the staff as they waited to meet the proud parents. Nafisa beamed happily at her colleagues as they fussed over her and her son. She gave Sanyukta's hand a warm squeeze. "You look gorgeous Nafisa, and the baby looks so different now!" Sanyukta smiled at her. Mother's nurturing care had paid off, he looked quite adorable.

"You look good yourself, Sanyukta. You should dress up more often. Lovely earrings too!"' Nafisa told her. "Thanks, they are special to me!" Sanyukta replied. Nafisa knew what that meant, Randhir had either gifted them or helped her choose them. She could see the glow on the girl's face as his name came up in the conversation. Dance music began to play and people took to the dance floor. After shuffling on her feet for a bit Sanyukta quietly returned to her seat. She picked on some food with a distant look on her face and she wondered when it would be appropriate to leave for home.

Her eyes suddenly lit up as she noticed someone walk in and head straight toward Nafisa and her husband. "'Randhir!" Sanyukta muttered his name as her eyes followed him while he spoke to Nafisa. His entry was unexpected, he must have wound up his work in Mumbai early. Nafisa suddenly pointed in her direction and Randhir turned to look at her. Sanyukta froze for a few seconds until Randhir waved out to her and she waved back. Much to her disappointment he continued meeting Nafisa's family and other people he knew. Someone handed him a drink and he lingered making conversation. Soon the girls from work dragged him onto the dance floor and he left his glass behind to join them sportingly.

Sanyukta watched silently as everyone around her was unwinding and letting their hair down. She knew that if she had a couple of drinks inside her she would be one among them. Randhir looked relaxed as he danced among the girls who surrounded him. Sanyukta got up and walked outside the room, her feet involuntarily carrying her to the ladies room. She felt an emptiness inside her, as if she did not have the right to be in the same place where people radiated happiness. She used the bathroom and emerged at length. She soaped and rinsed her hands while her eyes regarded her reflection in the mirror. To her eyes the bathroom looked as empty as her soul.

What happened in the next few moments was enough to freak her out. A man staggered in and before she realised what he was doing he switched off the lights, pushed her against the wall and groped her roughly, trying to kiss her. Sanyukta tried to scream but found herself immobilised due to fright. The man ran his hands over her curves and a wave of nausea hit her. The feeling of revulsion helped surprisingly, she pushed the man away with all her might and sprinted out of the bathroom. She rushed back to the party room to find Randhir with a glass of beer in hand, talking to someone. 

He turned instinctively to find her staring ahead, her face ashen like she had seen a ghost. He had never seen that expression on her face and knew something was seriously wrong. He excused himself and walked towards her only to see her turn around and flee. Alarmed, he set his glass aside and followed her outside. "Sanyukta, stop!" He called out after her. She heard him but she continued rushing toward the end of the corridor until the blank wall stopped her. "What's wrong?" He asked, approaching her. He was so close that she could smell his cologne. Her tears came like a river flood and she tumbled to the floor, startling him.

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