Chapter 1 - Leia

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WARNING! - Mature Content in this Chapter!

Author POV

After Emma left Stroybrooke Killian turned somewhat back into the man Milah had made him, he was heartbroken. Killian had truly believed Emma was the one. The only thing that keep him from completely losing the will to live was Conor, Killian had promise he would never leave him like his mother did and that was a promise Killian was going to keep.

As time pasted Killian tried to forget Emma by drinking and sleeping around but he would never seem to get away from the thought of her. On Saturday nights he would go to Liam's place to drop Conor off. He couldn't help but just want to cry, thinking about all the happy memories that they shared there and at her house, which had now been completely pulled down and a new house being built.

Killian would then head down to the Rabbit Hole and drink until he found a pretty lass to take home with him, which never really took that long. But tonight no one really peaked his fancies, the night went on and I few lasses come up flirting with him but the minute he mentioned taking them home they left. 'Fucking prudes' Killian thought to himself before going back to his drink.

"Hey handsome?" I voice said coming up behind him, Killian turn to see an amazing beauty sit down beside him, all he could think of was Emma she looked identical to her just with dark brown hair. Killian quickly shook his thoughts and got his acted together. "Hello love, you sure are a beauty" He said with his signature smirk "Well aren't you charming" Killian heart sunk a little at these words which she noticed "Oh did I say something worry?" She said as she placed her hand on his thigh. "Just that was an old friends nickname" saying as he drop his head letting a tear fall as he thought back to the night David and Mary Margaret passed.

"Oh I'm really sorry, maybe I should go" She shyly said as she began to leave. "Wait, no don't go just don't really feel like talking about it tonight." I say wiping away my tear. "Ok well why don't you tell me about yourself then? Oh name's Leia by the way." Leia said as a cute smile took over her face "Sure, I'm Killian."

Killian was surprised how well he and Leia got along it was like they had been friends for years, before they knew it they were the only people left in the bar "Hey just so you know we are closing in 10? Said the guy behind the bar. "Well what do you say? Nightcap?" Killian said downing the rest of his drink "Thought you would never ask" Leia said and lead Killian out to get a cab.

Once home Killian quickly brought Leia inside slumming her against the door as he shut it chasing his lips on hers. "Maybe would should take this to your bed" Leia said "NO!" Killian shouted, He has one rule when he had a girl over they would never ever sleep together in his bed. He only ever wanted to have Emma in that bed. "Umm ok?" Leia didn't understand why it was such a big deal "I rather have you right here love!" Killian said trying to get the thought of Emma out of his head but that was bloody hard when Leia looked just like her.

"Kinky" Leia said jumping up and wrapping her legs around Killian's waist. She unbutton his pants as he lifted up her skirt up, ripping off her panties and slamming inside Leia making her moan out in pain and pleasure. He thrust inside as she bounced up and down on his manhood. Killian was at his breaking peak as he burst inside her and without thinking the words just come out "God I love you Emma."

Leia swiftly got down and planted her feet firmly on the ground "What the Fuck it's LEIA!! Who the fuck is EMMA!!" She shouted feeling completely humiliated "Shit, I'm sorry" But before Killian could say anymore Leia slummed the door right in his face.

Killian felt like a Idiot "Seriously mate! how could you of done that!" He really wanted make sure Leia was alright and apologies. Unfortunately he never got her number "Bloody hell" He mumbled to himself. He just hoped maybe if he was lucky she would be at the Rabbit Hole next week.

In the passed week Killian hadn't ran into Leia anywhere he was just hoping she would be there tonight. He did the usual. Dropped of Conor and sat drinking his rum and waited. A few girls come up flirting to him and his to get his attention, normal Killian would bite straight away and take the girl or 'girls in this case' home but all he wanted was to see Leia. He keep telling himself it was because he wanted to say sorry again, but deep down he knew it was because she remind him of Emma. And maybe, just maybe he could live a lie believe she was really her.

After a while someone sat down next to Killian and to his surprise it was Liam. "Brother? What you doing here? and where's Conor?" Killian asked "What I can't come have a drink with my little brother? and Elsa is with him, so no need to worry." Liam said with a emphasis on the little "Younger Brother!" Killian said downing a shot of rum "Yes, yes younger brother, I was but worried you seemed vexed when you dropped off Conor." Liam said with concerned look "I really am fine Liam, you don't need to worry" Liam was just about to say something when someone stormed up behind them and started shouting "Fancy see you again Jack! or was it Sam, oh well it doesn't really matter I'll just call you some random name!" Both men turned to see Leia standing with her arms crossed very pissed off. "Emma?" Liam asked in shock staring at her.

"Why the fuck do people keep calling me that your the 3rd person today!" She spat out "Oh I'm really sorry you just really look like someone we once knew, anyway I'm Liam, Ben's older brother" He said playing long with her little game of acting like he didn't know Killian's name, which made her break into laughter "I like you already! I'm Leia" she said pushing Killian off his seat and placed herself down, causing Liam to laugh. He just rolled his eye and sat on the next seat over. Leia and Liam talked for a little till she turned to Killian "So this Emma? Ex Girlfriend? What happened? Everyone I ask just says it not their story to tell." He hesitated "You really want to know, it's a pretty long story" saying with a weak smile "I have all the time in the world."

Author Note - Hello everyone! I was going to wait a little longer to start publishing this but I couldn't help myself! I have 4 chapters written so far and planing on having a massive writing down on Sunday. So if you have any idea for this story and were you would like it do go please let me know!

P.s - The way I'm writing this book it a little different, it will have sort of two stories. As you can tell this chapter is about Killian's life after Emma left and if you can guess the next will be about Emma's Life. I will be going back and forth between them until they meet again. Which I'm still not sure how i'm going to do that.

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this! Don't forget to comment and vote xx

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