Chapter 7 - The Letter

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Killian POV

We had arrived at Laim's house and I simple let myself in with Leia close behind "Liam you home?" I shout out, Liam then comes out from the lounge room "Hey, Conor is just upstairs" He said then yells out to Conor to come down "Shit I completely forgot about him" I say to under my breath making Leia laugh "And the parent of the year award goes to Killian!" she joked, I just rolled my eyes. "Dad!" I turn to see Conor run up to me, arms open ready for a hug which I gladly give him. "Hey lad, how was your night with Liam and Elsa?" I ask "Great! We stayed up late watching movies." Conor happily said then turning to Leia and giving her a hug also. It had been pretty had on Conor to have Leia around after Emma had left, he really loved Emma and didn't understand that Leia wasn't Emma due to her looks. It took sometime but he finally had come around to her. And I didn't really think it was the best time to tell him they were really sisters. 

"Conor, why don't you go watch some TV I need to talk with uncle Liam for a minute, okay?" I say to my son, who gladly followed my request. "Whats up little brother?" Liam asked, I went to speak but was cut of by Leia "Long story short, Emma is my little sister and we are looking for answers to why David and Mary Margaret gave me up, Killian said you had a safe her of theirs. I'm hoping we can find something in it." She said very bluntly "What!?" Liam said very confused , It would of been a lot to take in. "So? Where is the Safe?" I say to my brother giving him a little nudge. "Oh in the basement, I'll show you." Liam then lead us down the stairs. 

"So how do you plan on opening it?" He asked, I stop in my tracks making Leia run into me "Killian, you do have a way to open it right?" She said. I turn and give her a cheesy smile "Well I didn't really think that far ahead." I say with a nervous giggle hoping she won't hit me. "Seriously!" she shouts giving a me playful wack in the arm "Ow! don't need to get violent" I say pretending it hurt. "Well your lucky I'm here! Lets hope I can pick this lock" She then pushed me out of the way and walked over to the safe. 

It took a little while but Leia finally managed to open it. We began searching thought it, only to find things like jewelry and old random objects I guessed to be sentimental. We were ready to give up when a envelop fell out of a little box. I pick it up to find Leia's name on it. "Here" I simply say handing it to her.

Leia POV 

I felt my heart sink a little unsure if I really wanted to know the truth. I slowly begin to open the envelop pulling out a letter and a photo (Above). This was my parents, Emma's parents and Liam and Killian dear friends. They looked so happy and I wished I could of been apart of their lives. I could feel the tears beginning to build up inside of me. Quickly pushing them aside and began to read the letter to myself.


Dear Leia

My name is Mary Margaret and I'm your birth mother, I hope you will take the time to read this. My husband David and I want you to know that we never wanted to give you up. But we were young and silly but that is no excuses for giving you up. No words can describe how much pain I feel for abandoning you. We have been trying to find you for so many years but without success, I don't even know if I will ever be able to send you this letter or if you will even read it. 

I want to at least tell you why we did what we did, see when I meet your father we were only 17. The age you would be now, And he was with another girl. His parents had pretty much forced him to be with her. We became friends and fell in love and you were made. But David could not be with me, as his family would disown him and he was scared of what they would do to him. I was left alone with no one by my side, I had to drop out of school and move away. 

There was no way I could raise a child but no way I could abort my pregnancy either, putting you up for adoption was the hardest thing I have ever done. I just have to have hope that you would have a better life then what I could give you. 2 years later I ran into David, he had married the women his family wanted him to, but he wasn't happy. Long story short, we fell in love once more and his time we fought for it, no caring for anyone else. 

I again fell pregnant but David didn't leave, he left his wife and ran away with me. And we had a beautiful baby girl Emma, your little sister. But it pains me everyday to see her as all I can think of is you and how you should be here with us. Just one big happy family. Please give us a chance to be the parents you deserve. 

I love you with all my heart

Mary Margaret xx 

Tears began to fall uncontrollable down my face, I quickly felt Killian's strong arms embracing me into a tight hug. Out of the corner of my eye I see Liam headed back up the stair to give us a moment alone. Without any words I pulled out of the hug handing the letter to Killian, knowing there was no way I could read it out loud. Once he was finished he gave me a sweet smile "They were looking for you, all this time." He said as a tear formed in his eyes "I just wish I could of meet them" I say over the sobs as I pull Killian back into our previous position. "Maybe It's time to find your sister?" He said as he sweetly wiped the tears off my face.

We began to leave with Killian explaining to Liam where we were going "Well I'm coming too! Emma was like a little sister to me!" He sternly stated "Liam I need you to look after Conor." Killian said "Well that's what the wife is for" Liam said pointing to Elsa in the kitchen "I heard that!" She said with a giggle as she walked over to us "But seriously it's okay, you three just bring Emma home" She sweetly said giving Liam a kiss and basically pushing us out the front door. "Ok so where is Emma anyway?" Liam asked me "New York."

Author Note - Ok guys! We are getting seriously close to Emma and Killian seeing each other again! What do you think is gonna happen? Will they get a happily ever after Or are they going to drive each other away. 

Vote and Comment is really makes my day :) xx   

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