Chapter 22 - The End

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Killian POV - 10 years later

Ages: Conor - 24, Kyle - 14, Izzy - 13, Jackson - 11, Abby - 10

Conor had finished college and was moving to LA with Sarah to work with August at his new law firm. Conor and Sarah had started dating in high school and she was a very sweet girl. They were defiantly in love and were ready to start their own family. She had been Conor's first and he planned on her begin his last "I'm going to miss you" I say holding back a tear "Me too dad, thank you for not giving up on up like Milah did" he said as tears filled his eyes "Oh fuck it come here!" I say with my own tears falling as I embrace my son in a tight hug "I love you dad" he said over his cries "I love you too."

As we broke the hug Emma, Sarah, Izzy and Jackson come out "Be safe both of you, and call if you need anything at all. I mean that." Emma said giving both Conor and Sarah a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "We know mum. I will call when we get there" Conor said.

Emma come and stood by my side as Conor turned to his siblings and gave each of them a hug and a kiss goodbye. "You okay?" Emma asked putting a hand around my waist "One down, two to go" I sigh as we wave goodbye as they drive off before walking back inside.

"Daddy? When will Conor come back home?" Jackson asked "Not for a little while but he promised to be back for Christmas" I say and my answer seemed to please him as he sat at the table with his sister waiting for their lunch that Emma was making. "Now can I have his room?" Izzy asked "Sure sweetheart but u'll have to move everything on your own" Emma teased coming in placing a sandwich in front of both children.

"What! Dad! You'll help me right!" she pouted giving me her best puppy dog eyes 'Bloody Conor had taught her that.' Emma giggled knowing full well I could never say no to that "Anything thing for my princess, but after lunch." I say earning her to grin like a cheshire cat.

Emma POV

Once finished lunch Izzy dragged Killian upstairs to start moving rooms. "Mummy can I go play with Kyle?" Jackson asked "Just let me call auntie Leia okay?" I say and he nods, Jackson was a very well behave child, nothing like his father at all. "Soo?" Jackson asked as I hang up the phone "She said it's fine. Just let me tell daddy okay?" I said.

I had dropped Jackson off at Leia and the minute I returned home there was a scream from upstairs, I quickly rushed up scared out of my mind "I'm dying!" Izzy cried out as I come into her new room "Calm down sweetie, your not dying." Killian said to her before noticing me. "What's going on?" I asked in a panic "Your little girl is well not so little anymore" Killian said with a frown, he had been dredging this day for the last 10 years.

"Honey it's okay, let me help you then I think we need to a little talk" I say kindly leading my daughter to the bathroom. After explain to my daughter about her women time and helping her clear up, we made our way to the lounge were Killian was sulking. Izzy sat down in between Killian and I as we had 'the talk' Killian was for sure uncomfortable but it had to be done. "Don't just give it to anyone sweetheart?" Killian dryly said "I won't" Izzy said giving her dad a big hug making him calm a little.

Killian POV - Another 10 years later

Ages: Conor - 34, Kyle - 24, Izzy - 23, Jackson - 21, Abby - 20

"Dad, calm down. I'm not dying." Izzy said to me as I stare at the amazing beautiful women my daughter had been come. "I know, I'm just not ready to let go" I say as a tear falls down my face "Stop it now! Your gonna make me cry and wreak my make-up" she said with a giggle and wiping away my tear. "I'm seriously so proud of you" I smile "Okay lets get this started before I completely lose it"

The music starts as the doors of the church open, here I am walking my only daughter down the aisle to the man she loves with all her heart. Micheal stood with Kyle by his side (They were best friends from College, hence how Izzy meet him) and Abby across from him. As we near the altar I spot my stunning wife with our grandson Sam on her lap, Conor and Sarah next to her holding our granddaughter Rebecca, Jackson with his girlfriend Grace and Liam with Leia.

Finally here I was handing my daughter over to Micheal "Never let her go, and never stop fighting" I whisper to Micheal as I gave him a hug "Of course sir" He said before I turn back to Izzy "I love you daddy!" She said tear falling down her face "I love you too my princess."

At the Reception

"Now the father daughter dance" I stood up making my way to Izzy taking her in my arms as we sway to the music "I wish I could of met them" Izzy said speaking of David and Mary-Margaret "I wish you could of too, they would of loved you so much. But I know they are watching you right now and couldn't be any prouder."

The night was coming to a close as Emma and I sent Izzy and Micheal off on their honeymoon before walking home. We pretty much had a empty nests 'other then on weekends when Jackson came home from College' it was crazy to think how our lived had changed over the past 20 or so years. "Look!" Emma said pulling me from my thoughts "Is that?" I say in shock looking at the 'For Sale' sign out front of my old apartment building.

"Come on!" Emma said with excitement pulling me towards the door "What are you doing?" I question my wife "Shh!" We quietly walk up the stairs till we are standing in front of my old apartment door "Emma what are-" I start but am cut off by Emma's lips on mine. "Shh Killian" She said before grabbing a hair pin and breaking in.

"Are you crazy!" I say but before I can stop her she is pulling me into the apartment, to my surprise it was complete empty. She leans me to where my old bedroom was 'Were we first made love, the night she lost her parents' "Feels like a life time since I was here" she quietly said "Emma why come back here? There are too many painful memories here" I say.

"Killian that may be true, but also the best memory of my life was also here." She said slowly removing her tight long dress as tears filled her eyes. "What is wrong?" I say holding her now naked body in my arms. She shock her hand "Nothing is wrong, I'm just happy. I went from only having my parents to having a husband, three amazing children, a sister, a brother in law, a niece, a nephew and two beautiful grandchildren. I may have lost them but they live on within our family."

I looked down at my prefect wife, she was so strong and brave. She had been to hell and back, and still found a bright side to this crazy life. I made more then love to her that night, like I've never done before, in that cold empty apartment where my life had been turned completely upside down and I wouldn't of change it for the world.


I loved her with all my heart, my wife, my best friend, my one and only Emma Swan. A tear rolled down my face as I remember every moment with my true love. "Grandpa? You okay?" Rebecca asked as she walked beside the wheeler chair holding her new born son as we come to the grave "Yeah my dare, just reminiscing" I say with a weak smile as I sat surrounded by my family a full year after losing the biggest at best part of my life. We had lived a full life together growing old together and that's all I could of asked for.

"I will still love you till my last breath"


Author Note - I seriously nearly cried writing this! I can't believe it's over :'( Also a big thank you to everyone that has read this! xx

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