Chapter 10 - Fallen

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Emma POV 

I couldn't believe it Killian was here. And just when I had began to move on, but who was I kidding I could never move on from someone as amazing and perfect as Killian Jones. As our lips parted I felt my legs go weak and everyone was stared at us. "Swan, You okay?" Killian sweetly asked, 'God I didn't relies how much I missed the way he called me Swan. "Umm.. yeah I guess" I quietly say as I'm stilling trying to get my head around what is going on.

"Regina why don't we head to your place, and we can talk?" August said, Regina just nodded and didn't even look at me. As they walked off Liam and a brunette women walked toward us, Liam quickly embracing me in a tight bear hug lifting me off the ground "Hi to you too, mind letting me breath?" I say with a giggle. "Sorry Emma, I just missed you." He said with a smile that I gladly returned. 

"So why are you guys here?" I say cutting to the chase "Well, love we would like you to meet Leia." Killian said gliding me towards the brunette women. "Hi, Emma Swan." I kindly say holding my hand out, she didn't say anything just hugged me and began to cry 'okay this is a little weird' I thought before she finally pulled away "I'm sorry" was all she said before running off and Killian quickly following her.

"Liam? What's going on?" I question him as he just sighed "It's probably not my story to tell, just know that things haven't been easy for Killian since you left, he wasn't himself but Leia brought he back. He cares deeply for her just as he does you." he said before taking a seat, I joined him lost in my thoughts 'Are Killian & Leia together? But Killian kissed me before so they can't be? And why did she hug me and cry?' I didn't understand, but one thing that I had somehow missed until that moment when I saw Killian and Leia walking back hand in hand, was that I felt as if I was looking in a mirror looking at myself.

"Emma? I'm really sorry about that, can we start over?" Leia said pulling me from my thoughts "Sure, but please can someone tell me what is going on?" I say and everyone nods "Maybe we should go somewhere a little private, people keep staring at us love" Killian suggest "Good idea, we can go to mine. Hopefully August has manged to calm Regina down."

We drove in a awkward silents to my house, and things were about to get a lot worse. I opened the door only to have Jefferson crashing his lips onto mine, without even thinking I was kissing him back completely forgetting Killian was there. I hear someone clear their throat making me quickly pull away. "Jefferson? What are you doing here?" I say in a whisper trying to give him the hint to be quite, with of course he isn't. "Well! I came to see my little sex kitten" He loudly said 'What happened to the sweet and loving Jefferson I meet last night?' I thought, then notice him looking at Liam and Leia who just had awkward smiles on their faces and Killian was just glaring at me.

"Ah! I see we have guests! Name's Jefferson" He said with his devilish smile staring right at Leia breast. "Her eyes are higher mate!" Killian spat not taking his eyes off me. Before Jefferson could make a smart remark "JEFFERSON!!!" A loud shout come from behind us, I turned to see Regina storming into the room with August close behind trying to hold her back. "I told you to LEAVE! Why the hell are you still here!" She yelled "RiRi that's no way to speak to your boss, and beside like I said before, I'm here to see Emma." Jefferson smugly said "Well maybe I quit! you have Emma so you don't need me anymore right! Then you can fuck her when ever you like!" She rerouted.

"Regina, please can we not do this right now." I politely say hoping she will calm down "NO!! Lets do this right now Emma! So they can see what you really have become!" All hell was going to break lose, I had a choice to make. They would either hear it from Regina or me. I wasn't in the right mind for this as angry filled my body. 

"Fine! Fucken hell get over that fact I told Jefferson about Killian and not you! I didn't plan on it, I only went to him as I just needed someone to fuck my brains out so I could forget! And sorry you don't have a dick to make me feel that way!" I shout completely losing my cool. "Well then what are all those noise you make when my tongue is between your fucking thighs! Emma you can fuck who ever you like! I'm so sick of being second best for you and always having to hear about you life though other people! Just like how Killian is fucking your sister!!" She shouted pointing to Leia.

The room went dead silent 'What? Leia, my sister? No I don't have a sister? Right?' "Regina what in the hell are you talking about!" I yell then turn back to Leia who is fiddling with a ring on her finger and Killian was no longer glaring at me, he just hang his hand in shame. "Regina we hadn't told Emma yet" Liam stated "So this is true! Your sleeping with my apparent sister!" I shout getting right in Killian's face, I know I have no right to be mad but I just can't help it. 

He looked up with utter angry in his eyes just like the night I left. "You left me Emma! Did you think I was just going to wait around till you come back! And I didn't even know she was your sister till yesterday!" He defended "And from the sound of it you've gotten your few share of men, oh and women!" He continued before turning to punch the wall and leaving in a huff with Liam quickly following.

'Shit Emma! what have you done!' I felt tears boiling up and a hand on my shoulder "Just give me space" Leia sweetly said before walking over to Regina and August. "Well that was interesting, why do we go have some fun" Jefferson rudely said, I just shot him a glare "Okay okay, how about we go get a drink? nothing more I promise." He said in the same sweet voice from last night. I simply agree and we head out to this club. 'How was this all happening again?'

Author Note - What do you think? Still enjoying this story? xx

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